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Activate alerts on journey level


Level 2



Description - I would like to have alerts on all the journeys and would like to made aware when these journeys fail. We as of now have no other option other than manually check them. This then leads to journeys being broken for a longer time without us knowing. I am aware that alerts are used for failure of ingestion or when a certain threshold is crossed. I think it should also work with journeys on a individual level.


Why is this feature important to you - In the current situation we are not made aware if journeys fail due to any circumstances. this means that customers have a suboptimal experience.

How would you like the feature to work - We would like to receive a push notification in the UI and preferably with an email when failed journeys pop up. In the ideal situation we would be able ourselves to set up when an alert is triggered based on how many journeys it fails.

Current Behaviour - We currently do not receive any alert and have to manually check over a hundred journeys on failures.


Best regards,



7 Comentários




What do you consider a failure? What are the thresholds you'd expect? 

Any action? 

How many times in what time period? 


Level 2


The same definition which is used in the journey reports.

Do that would mean that it could happen after any action, to my knowledge.

Basically we would like to set it for each journey. This would differ per journey I suppose.

Otherwise to make things clear or simple we could also receive one for each one, supposing we wouldn't get overloaded with them.





Thanks Rob. We will need to narrow this down so you aren't overwhelmed by notifications. The design I'm seeing is:

1. Set global alert for when actions fail 1% of the time, email me.

2. Set journey level alert for when actions fail more than X% of the time

Alert has link to the journey with the issue for investigation.