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Native PDF: Customizing new Page Layout


Level 2

In the settings of a template in Native PDF, AEM Guides Cloud there are a number of standard pages: TOC, Glossary, Citations, Empty Pages, Chapters & Topics.

These are referred to by the bookmap in the following way:



I want to enable a new page in the templates called "blankpage". It will be a plt file the same as the others and I want to refer to it in my map within the booklists tag as below:



I understand that I need to customize Native PDF​.
How?  Where are the XSL files? Is there any documentation on this?
1 Reply


Level 4

In Native PDF I don't think you need to put the page layouts in your bookmap.


If you navigate to the output tab you can create a new template or edit an existing template.

Create and customize Native PDF templates | Adobe Experience Manager


The setting you are looking for is the Page Layout Order:

Native PDF Publish Feature | Components of a PDF template | Adobe Experience Manager


The template will take care of the page order for you. So what you will need to do is:

1. Create a "Blank Page" page layout in a Native PDF Template

2. Add the "Blank Page" to the "Page Layout Order" settings of the template

3. Order the pages the way that you want and turn on the pages that you want in "Page Layout Order"