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Direct call rules


Level 2

Hello guys can someone explain to me what are the direct call rules for?
I'm trying to tag  different sections of a page (has the same url )but i don't know how to do it.

I really appreciate if someone can help me with this :)

6 Replies


Level 4

Hi Yabagna,

Direct Call Rules are Designed to bypass dynamic tag management event detection and lookup systems.

Direct call rules are ideal for situations where you want to tell dynamic tag management exactly what is happening. Also, they are ideal when dynamic tag management cannot detect an event in the DOM, such as with Adobe Flash.


And How to create conditions for direct-call rules.

In the Conditions dialog, specify the string that will be passed to _satellite.track() in your direct call.



Let me know if it helps you give it a heart and you can mark it as closed.




Level 2

Hi Akhil,

I still don't understand when and how to use this. Can you provide an example please :)
There are some sections of a page that we need to track but i don't know how to implement this or what kind of rule should i use, here is what i got:




g (URL)




MHL Site Map: Terms & Conditions


MHL Site Map


MHL Site Map: Privacy Policy


MHL Site Map



MHL Site Map: Contact Us


MHL Site Map







Another question: 

Do you known why when I try to use the satellite debugger I get this error:

ReferenceError: satellite is not defined



Level 2

Hi Yabagna,

Were you able to find the answer to your question? If not, I'm happy to help out.




Level 2

Hi Robert,

I did thank you very much. But now i have a bigger issue, and maybe you can help me on this :)

What we are looking for is a way to suppress the blank tag that is currently firing when we have an event based rule with enters view port event value and that is set to be a stl() call.     

I was told to add "return false" to the adobe tool cutomize code, but using "return false;" in the tool settings does not work for us, because what this does is not firing all the page load rules in the property. So we wanted to find a way or a script to accomplish this without losing any of our rules.


I also see this error in the console:

SATELLITE: Rule "About" fired. satelliteLib-8c14bca156f56151e6caeae85e8618a61883c62c-staging.js:2

SATELLITE: Adobe Analytics: set variables. satelliteLib-8c14bca156f56151e6caeae85e8618a61883c62c-staging.js:2

1.  Uncaught ReferenceError: s_account is not defined s-code-contents-a95daf96e0da4d7495a63a7ee6c925015ec986cf-staging.js:13

SATELLITE: Adobe Analytics: loaded. satelliteLib-8c14bca156f56151e6caeae85e8618a61883c62c-staging.js:2

SATELLITE: Adobe Analytics: set variables. satelliteLib-8c14bca156f56151e6caeae85e8618a61883c62c-staging.js:2

SATELLITE: detected 2f4b580288e38c410d6606fbbdb50afa.load satelliteLib-8c14bca156f56151e6caeae85e8618a61883c62c-staging.js:2

SATELLITE: Adobe Analytics: custom init suppressed beacon

Is there a way to avoid the beacon from being suppresed?

The page url is: http://stage.reddsapple.com/
Property Name: Redd's Apple
Account: Miller Brewing Company


Level 2


How can i set a direct rule to fire only when the body id is equal to "enter"?

I tried this with a event based rule but it does not work , the tag fires two times. So i want to know how can I create the string for the direct call rule?





Level 1

what was done to get the direct call rule to work ?