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Visitor ID - Dynamic Tag Manager DTM - Duplicate visits


Level 2

Hi all,

I'm testing Dynamic Tag Manager on Test rsuite for apply it in future implementation, really is a good good tool.

So, a pair of week ago, I can see updates on Visitor ID implemention, and I did it (http://microsite.omniture.com/t2/help/en_US/mcvid/mcvid_implement.html). My surpise is when implement this, visites was multiplied for 10 :S, yes I make a mistake sure, but I'm not able to see error, and neither I can found nothing page that use the same sistem (put VisitorAPI.js into Appmesurement into DTM manage code). So, this is my code:


// 1.1 - <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Unique visitor configuration code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> var visitor = new Visitor("F050097853468AB40A490D4C@AdobeOrg");   // Provided from Client Care. visitor.trackingServer = "seat.d3.sc.omtrdc.net";                 // Same as s.trackingServer. visitor.trackingServerSecure = "seat.d3.sc.omtrdc.net";           // Same as s.trackingServerSecure. // 1.2 - <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< MODULE 0: Visitor API v 1.2.1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visitor API code... /*******************************************************+****** -2- ****************************************************************/ /******************************************************** DYNAMIC S_ACCOUNT ********************************************************/ /***********************************************************************************************************************************/ /*     This part of code assigns dinamically smetrics.accounts (formely s.accounts) that was assigned into Dynamic Tag Manager     */ /***********************************************************************************************************************************/ smetrics = new AppMeasurement(); function getAnalyticsAccount() { for(var toolid in _satellite.tools) { if(_satellite.tools[toolid].settings.engine == "sc") { return _satellite.tools[toolid].settings.account; } } } smetrics.account = getAnalyticsAccount(); smetrics.visitorNamespace = "seat"; smetrics.trackingServer = "seat.d3.sc.omtrdc.net"; /*******************************************************+****** -3- ****************************************************************/ /*************************************** VISITOR ID SERVICE CONFIG - REQUIRES VisitorAPI.js ****************************************/ /***********************************************************************************************************************************/ /*     This part of code tells to Appmesaurment that visitor cookie must used, in this case as Visitor ID is installed, use it.    */ /***********************************************************************************************************************************/ smetrics.visitor = Visitor.getInstance("F050097853468AB40A490D4C@AdobeOrg","seat"); /*******************************************************+****** -4- ****************************************************************/ /********************************************************* CONFIG SECTION **********************************************************/ /***********************************************************************************************************************************/ /*  This part of code contains the main configuration/personalization of AppMesaurment. This section contains _doPlugins function  */ /*            whose is called each time that each page is charged. Normally is used for automate some kinds of process.            */ /***********************************************************************************************************************************/ // 4.1 - <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< General Configuration >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> smetrics.linkTrackVars = "None"; smetrics.linkTrackEvents = "None"; smetrics.linkInternalFilters = "javascript:,seat.com,seat.lu"; // 4.2 - <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Activate "_doPlugins" function >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> smetrics.usePlugins=true;          // This parameter allowed use/not use do_Plugins function. function smetrics_doPlugins(smetrics) { if (typeof window['dataLayer'] != "undefined"){                         // if (typeof window['dataLayer']=='object') {                   // for (var v in window['dataLayer']) {                      // if (window['dataLayer'].hasOwnProperty(v)) {      // This loop prepare script for smetrics[v] = window['dataLayer'][v];         // understand Data Layer object }                                                 // if it's defined on HTML code. }                                                         // }                                                                 // }                                                                       // smetrics.prop2="Entire Site"; smetrics.prop4 = (typeof(Visitor) != "undefined" ? "Cookies Present" : "Cookies Missing:" + document.location.href); } smetrics.doPlugins = smetrics_doPlugins; /*******************************************************+***** -7- *****************************************************************/ /******************************************************* CORE CODE v.1.3 ***********************************************************/ /***********************************************************************************************************************************/ /*  This part of code is core code, called AppMesaurment. It controlls a huge part of metrics that was sended on Report&Analytics  */ /*                            Be carefull, this code must be changed when Adobe lunch new version.                                 */ /***********************************************************************************************************************************/ Appmesaurement core code....


Also I can observe that cookies AMCV_ is created on my domain, but I see more than once s_vi in many different domains:


I imagine that my mistake is referent to order of codes into Appmesaurement or maybe on trackinServer, visitor vars... but sincerly I don't know. I'm glad if someone can help me, probably other people can have same problem :D

Many thanks in advance,


1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 3

Please note there's been an update to how this functions in DTM since this initial forum post. Visitor ID Service / Marketing Cloud ID Service is now an intergrated tool available in the DTM interface as of 8/7/2014. Utilizing this new setup may mitigate the issue you're encountering. See the related help documentation at the following link and please just reply back if you have additional questions. https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/dtm/macid.html



View solution in original post

13 Replies


Level 4

Did you get any solution for this? If so, please share it.


Level 2


Any idea? I believe this subject is very important, seem that on future all Adobe Marketing tools will use same cookie (that provides VisitorAPI.js, AMCV_). In documentation explicit that implement VisitorAPI into Appmesaurment is possible and let us some instructions, but I cannot see an example, maybe is for that I use DTM?

I will be grateful if someone have any idea,



Level 4

Is the cookieDomainPeriod for your live site and test site same? If you come across the solution then please share it with me




Correct answer by
Level 3

Please note there's been an update to how this functions in DTM since this initial forum post. Visitor ID Service / Marketing Cloud ID Service is now an intergrated tool available in the DTM interface as of 8/7/2014. Utilizing this new setup may mitigate the issue you're encountering. See the related help documentation at the following link and please just reply back if you have additional questions. https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/dtm/macid.html




Level 2

Hi Anna,

Effectively that's sounds good, I installed it through adding a natively tool with succes. However would be good that you inform us if create instance is necessary yet (I tried to disable and seems works fine as well):


And generally, we must do anything on our Appmesaurment's codes after Adding Marketing Cloud Service as a tool? Also you can clarify if is normal that when we checks if this service are implemented successfully, we can see it on our console (if we haven't installed Audience Manager tool):

[img]Screen Shot 2014-08-17 at 15.02.39.png[/img]

Many thanks for your help,



Level 3

Hi Julià,

The getInstance() function as well as any other related visitorAPI.js includes should be removed from your appMeasurement file when using the integrated tool for Marketing Cloud ID Service in DTM (I'm working on getting this clarified in the documentation link I sent you before). However, please test and ensure this is working as expected in staging before publishing to production.

If you have a related integrated tool also installed in DTM (like Adobe Analytics), then you should see the console notification "SATELLITE: Visitor ID: set variables" immediately after the tool loads (see attached). However, if no other related tool is loading on the page, you could also the following console command to test for the presence of this tool:

_satellite.getVisitorId()  - this will return information about the tool if it is present or 'null' if the tool is not present (see attached).

I hope this helps! Just let me know if you have further questions though or if you need further clarification.




Level 2

Hi Anna,

Many thanks for your clearly reply. So effectively I see on my console that Visitor API is launched. Just I showed below image:


Because if you see here --> https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/dtm/macid.html seems that my Marketing Cloud ID as provisioned incorrectly, or maybe don't understand appropriately the documentation :(, anyway can you clarify if am I right?

I hope this thread helps other users as well! Thanks again for your help,



Level 3

Hi Julià,

You're correct. Per the documentation here, if the d_mid isn't populating correctly in the beacon but DTM is indicating the Visitor ID service is loading appropriately in the console, then this is likely a provisioning issue and you should reach out to Adobe Customer Care to address. 

If you can share the associated DTM property and website URL though (via private message if preferred), then I'm happy to take a look to confirm for you as well.




Level 2

Hi Anna,

I sent you a private message. Once my case to be solved, I'll share the followed steps for if any other colleague go into same issue,

Thanks in advance,



Level 1


We are experiencing the same issue on our implementation. We are only using DTM and when a new visitor comes to the site we see two tags firing. The VisitorID is only populated on the second tag. Would you be able to share how we could go about debugging this?




Level 1


We are experiencing the same issue on our implementation. We are only using DTM and when a new visitor comes to the site we see two tags firing. The VisitorID is only populated on the second tag. Would you be able to share how we could go about debugging this?




Level 3

Hi Laura,

Are you implementing visitorID via your hosted AppMeasurement code? I would suggest migrating to the integrated Visitor ID Service / Marketing Cloud ID Service available in the DTM property interface. Utilizing this tool may mitigate the issue you're encountering as it is configured to ensure proper sequencing. Here's some related documentation on this tool for reference: https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/dtm/macid.html

Hope this helps!



Level 2

How to fix the duplicate visits in omniture? Visits are overstating...