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How to get access for DTM ?


Level 2


I am admin for Adobe Analytics and implemented legacy for my project. However, I require access to Adobe DTM to work on another project in my organization. Let me know whom to contact to get start with DTM ?





1 Accepted Solution


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Level 10

Hi Venkatesh,

Please contact your account manager and have them request access for you via the provisioning hub. If you aren't sure who your account manager is, you can contact Customer Care and they should be able to look it up.



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17 Replies


Correct answer by
Level 10

Hi Venkatesh,

Please contact your account manager and have them request access for you via the provisioning hub. If you aren't sure who your account manager is, you can contact Customer Care and they should be able to look it up.




Level 2

Thanks Jantzen, I got a mail from Client Care to provide below information. 

User account:
Report Suite:

However, assume my Report Suite is 1234 & s_code (legacy) is implemented & I want to retain the same. But for future projects I need DTM access. So, my question is " Can I keep both the implementations or should I migrate the existing (1234) to DTM ?



Level 10

Hi Venkatesh,

It sounds like Customer Care is trying to look up your Analytics solution account. DTM is a free service offered to all customers that have an active Adobe contract for at least one solution. I would provide them the information they are requesting and reaffirm that you currently do not have access to DTM and would like to gain access. They should be able to look up if your account has a DTM instance already provisioned or if you'll need to have one provisioned. 

As for the report suite and implementation details, they won't be setting up your DTM property so there is no need to worry about any implementation details at the moment. Like I said, I believe they are just verifying your solution entitlement. 

Once you have access to DTM, you can create web properties. Each web property is essentially a DTM implementation that can be deployed to one or multiple websites. You can set each web property up in whatever way you see fit. 



Level 2

Thanks Jantzen, As I got access to Adobe Marketing Cloud. I am not able to link or access to DTM.

 However, you can guide me from the below image on how to activate & reach DTM Dashboard.



Level 10

Hi Venkatesh,

Do you have any Product Configurations created for "Adobe Dynamic Tag Management- Stoxx" Product ?.

To Check , Click Product---->Adobe Dynamic Tag Management- Stoxx.

Thanks & Regards

Parit  Mittal


Level 2

Hi Mittal,

Upon clicking Adobe Dynamic Tag Management- Stoxx, I can see the below the screen.


Once I click the link DTM-DAX, I can view the below screen. Kindly guide me on how to access or activate DTM

Awaiting Reply...



Level 10

Please have a look at the following articles for guidance on setting up DTM permissions groups in the Adobe Admin Console.

How do I create a product configuration and map... |Adobe Community

How do I create a custom permissions group in DTM? |Adobe Community

Once you've reviewed these, I can answer any additional questions that you might have.



Level 2

Thanks Jantzen, for the wonderful video explanation. However, I am getting the below message while linking the account.Marketing-Cloud.jpg

Moreover, from your video I noticed there's a " +" sign, but I am not able to see the "+" sign button in my products page. Kindly help.



Level 10

No problem. I'm glad the videos were helpful.

If you're getting that message, your DTM company is likely not enabled for user and permissions management via the Experience Cloud Admin Console. We can test this by trying to create and map a product configuration group. I'll explain how to do this below.

On your second screenshot, you are in the products screen. In order to see the "+" sign, you need to click into the product itself. This is how the system knows which product you'd like to create the product configuration for. In your case, you'd want to click on "Adobe Dynamic Tag Management - stoxx". Once you've clicked there, you should see the plus screen. Go ahead and either follow the video to setup the config group or send me a screenshot after you've clicked the "+" on the next page and I'll guide you through it.


Level 2

Thanks Jantzen for guiding me. As suggested, upon clicking "Adobe Dynamic Tag Management - stoxx > DTM -DAX > Edit product configuration (DTM - DAX)". Find the screenshots below w.r.t above navigation.


2) Edit product configuration (DTM - DAX)


Thanks in Advance


Level 10

It looks like you are still missing the "+" on configuration screen. This is likely a permissions issue. Are you a system admin for your Experience Cloud organization? If not, can you confirm that you are a product admin for DTM?


Level 2

Hi Jantzen,

Yes, I am the product admin for DTM.



Level 10

Can you send me a private message with your DTM company name? I'd like check a few items on the backend.

I was able to grab the info I needed from your previous screenshots.

It looks like your DTM company is properly connected to your Experience Cloud organization. It also looks like there is only one user currently setup in DTM. Their first name is "Senthil". In your screenshot, I can see that the users assigned only show '1' on the DTM Admins line. Try adding yourself as a user to that DTM Admins group and then try logging into DTM via the Activation link in the Experience Cloud navigation.


Level 2

Hi Jantzen,

I am able to view the " +" symbol  and went through below video. Find the screenshots below. What next ?

Map a product configuration to a solution permissions group






Venkatesh P


Level 10

Now, you'll just need to add yourself as a user in the group. Being an admin of the product configuration gives you the permissions to manage the group, but it doesn't give you the permissions associated with that group (IE DTM permissions). Once you are added as a user of the group, you should be able to log in to DTM without issue.


Level 2

Thanks a ton Jantzen, Now I got access to DTM & able to create web properties.


Level 10

Glad I was able to help!