Hi,I am beginner in Adobe Analytics and Omniture.When I m trying to create and Adobe Analytics account its showing me an error that Username and password is incorrect. I am having Adobe account.Adobe Analytics is paid version ?To get an access first we need to contact to support team ?Can I get any ...
Once session is live I'm trying to pass it to classwhich needs to use session object for computing some data. I cansee that the session is not persisting when being passed to an object. How can I make sure thatthe session persists. Or is the solution that I have to reconnect the sessionwithin the cl...
We are using the foundation jar file for building components and the version available is 5.6.4.https://repo.adobe.com/nexus/content/groups/public/com/day/cq/wcm/cq-wcm-foundation/5.6.4/cq-wcm-foundation-5.6.4.pomThe issue today is the dependencies like commons-httpclient still has older version 3.1...
HelloWhen I run page visits by month for a particular page I come up with 7782 but if I break it out by day I come up with 7785. Any insight on why?Thanks
while opening http://localhost:4502/etc/reports/auditreport.html it shows "Your request could not be completed because you have been signed off" please help me to fix this bug...Thanks in advance.
I am trying to create repeatable panels by following the firt method given in the article:https://helpx.adobe.com/aem-forms/6/creating-forms-repeatable-sections.htmlHowever, this is not working.Kindly help me with this.I am using AEM 6.1
HTTP ERROR: 500Problem accessing /system/console/components. Reason:java.lang.NullPointerExceptionWhat is the solution for this?Here is the Log:01.12.2015 17:48:15.383 *WARN* [qtp840622963-56] org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler /system/console/componentsjava.lang.NullPointerException: null ...
Solr Search (V4.2) with AEM V5.6Hi All,I have a question about results ranking for Solr V4.2 in combination with the CMS tool Adobe CQ (V5.6). Despite trying different ways to configure the ranking of documents I am confused why content that does not have even one mention of the search query ranks h...
How can I reactivate a deactivated user? A user has been deactivated cause of account problems. Now we are not unable to re-activate the user- user is not visible anymore within DTM's user list- user can not be invited, as there is the message "email adress is already registered"What to do Adobe?Re...
I am currently using xpath search for several reasons. However I didn't find TotalMatch Count on QueryResult class like SearchResult object using QueryBuilder. QueryManager qm=session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager(); Query query = qm.createQuery(xpathQuery.toString(), Query.XP...