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Community Q&A Coffee Break on Tuesday April 23, 2024 w/ Eric Matisoff, Principal Evangelist, Analytics & Data Science, will join us to discuss all the big news and announcements from Summit 2024!




Adobe Analytics Community Q&A Coffee Break

Tuesday, April 23 from 10am - 11am PDT

w/ Eric Matisoff, Adobe,

Principal Evangelist, Analytics & Data Science 


On Tuesday, April 23rd, Eric Matisoff (@EricMatisoff), Adobe Principal Evangelist, Analytics & Data Science will be joining us to chat with you about Adobe Summit 2024! In this AMA (Ask Me Anything) event, Eric will be logged in to chat with you in this thread, ready to answer any of your questions about all things Adobe Summit 2024. Come chat more about the announcements, presentations, and big news you heard at Summit. Hit the blue "Reply" button just below this text to start asking your questions, which will be answered live by Eric on Tuesday, April 23rd at 10am PDT.

Eric will be discussing:

  • Summit 2024 announcements and news
  • Adobe Sneaks 2024
  • Analytics Rockstars
  • All things Customer Journey Analytics, Adobe Product Analytics, Experience Platform, Data Collection and Web SDK, or Adobe Analytics

Participating is easy:

  • Register by RSVPing on the right hand side button with 'Yes', 'No', or 'Maybe', as applicable and click Add to Calendar.
  • Add your Questions here by pressing the blue "Reply" button just below this text, either before the event or on the day and time of the Coffee Break

Meet the expert:


Eric Matisoff is the Principal Evangelist for Analytics & Data Science at Adobe with over 15 years of experience working with data and visualizations. During his 7+ years at Adobe, Eric has run the Analytics Rockstar program while evangelizing the Experience Cloud to dozens of Adobe customers on hundreds of digital experiences across all verticals. You'll have most recently seen Eric as the cohost for Sneaks with Shaquille O'Neal at Summit 2024!



Curious about how Coffee Breaks work? Check out this event featuring Ben Gaines, Director of Product Management from April, 2023.




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Level 1


@EricMatisoff I'm curious, in your opinion what is the single most important announcement in regards to Adobe Analytics from Summit 2024?


Employee Advisor


Great question! The biggest updates to Adobe Analytics were highlighted in different breakout sessions hosted by our Product Management team. Some of them (Dynamic Filters - swoon) were released towards the end of last year (as highlighted in session S102 by the very talented Travis Sabin) whereas others can easily be found in our release notes. I'm personally *very* excited about a few that are listed there:

1. The improved workflow for migrating to the Web SDK to send data to Adobe Analytics. The Web SDK has a wealth of advantages compared to AppMeasurement, so the simpler the migration the path is, the better. I believe there was a Lab on this at Summit, but unfortunately Labs are in-person only.

2. The increase in thresholds for Low Traffic in Analysis Workspace. The more data we can put in your hands, the better.


Hope that helps!

I attended Mitch's Labs on WebSDK migration. My team did an assessment 3 years back and we not happy to switch from Tealium to WebSDK. Are you seeing other clients doing this swap easily now? 


Employee Advisor


Yes, absolutely! There are several advantages to making that switch, but most of all is the opportunity to save money by not paying for Tealium IQ and instead use Adobe's free tag management solution - which has been finetuned to support Adobe technology (and the Web SDK, of course). Plus, depending on the applications that you have access to, there are more advantages to using the Web SDK beyond those just for Adobe Analytics. Hope that helps!


Level 1


Hi @EricMatisoff ! I used to use Adobe Analytics at my previous company, and am looking to bring it on board at my new company. I can't seem to get anyone from the Sales Department to contact me, oddly enough.

I have filled out the form here with no response. Is there a Sales Account Representative you can put me in touch with please? Thank you! Here is my email: Erica.Desjardins@Parnassus.com 



Employee Advisor


Well this seems like a no-brainer! I'll pass along your info to our sales team today!


Level 4


What's the easiest way to migrate calculated metrics and segments from adobe analytics to CJA ?


Employee Advisor


Great question! We actually have a productized project migration tool to help you bring your Calc Metrics and Segments from Core Adobe Analytics to Customer Journey Analytics.


Calc Metrics and Segments will automatically be pulled from Projects that you migrate into CJA; just be sure that each of the underlying components that are used to create the Calc Metric/Segment are properly mapped. If so, they will come along with the Project into CJA, and then can be edited/saved/shared as necessary. Enjoy!


I have seen this before, thanks for sharing it again. 
This intends to migrate any project and its segments associated within the project if used. 

I would like to more about

a) bulk transfer of all segments and calculated metrics

b) once we migrate a project into CJA from analytics ,
     can I still see the master project file in analytics ? 
     The migrated segments are ready to use in other projects within CJA or only for the ones migrated ? 



Employee Advisor


Awesome questions. Happy to help further


A - Bulk transfer of all Segments and Calc Metrics isn't (yet) supported. However, there's nothing stopping you from creating one master Project in Core Adobe Analytics that incorporates all the Segments and Calculated Metrics that matter to you, just for the purpose of migrating them to CJA


B - Yes, absolutely! The Core AA Project will remain available to you, but any changes that you make to it will not be automatically mapped back to the CJA Project. 


B.2 - Segments that are migrated to CJA are initially only available in the CJA Project that they've been migrated to (I'm like 99% sure of this), however, you can click the "Make available to all projects and add to your component list" link when necessary.




Level 2


Hi @EricMatisoff  What is the best way to export standard metrics (like visits and orders) for all segments in one go?

DW has limitations on segments that can be used. While report builder needs one data block for each segment. I have about 220 segments I need to export.  


Employee Advisor


Oh my - that's a lot of segments and data to export! 

Could you try using your Segments as a dimension in Analysis Workspace, then dropping your Metrics into the Freeform Table?


For example, I highlighted all of my Segments by shift-clicking each of them from the left rail, dragged them in as a Dimension into a Freeform Table, then dropped my Metrics in (please ignore the fact that this is demo data):



I think this works as a one-time export. I need to schedule this as a daily export. Anyway to do it? 


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion


In your workspace click "share" then click "schedule file export" and it will give you the option to send the file as a pdf or csv every day (or whatever frequency you need).




Level 1


Hi @EricMatisoff , I attended a lab at Summit, L517, that dealt with some updates to identity resolution and the ability to limit the number of identities per graph.  Or more specifically, the ability to make identities unique per graph.  What does the timeline look like for that feature?  Thanks!


Employee Advisor


This is a great question! I don't know the timing of this release, but I'm going to use my AT&T Phone a Friend Lifeline to see if I can get some help on this one Once I get an answer I'll ask them to reply here.


Employee Advisor


OK so it looks like this capability is actively being worked on by our engineering team. I don't currently have a timeline for release, but I expect a beta to be released soon. So reach out to your account manager if you're looking to be a part of the beta. We also have a whole slew of Roadmap Webinars coming up that may be interesting to ya (and I'd expect this to be mentioned in either the AEP or RTCDP sessions)


Community Advisor


Hello @EricMatisoff, Any update/info on getting report builder for Macs?


Employee Advisor


The idea was submitted almost 14 years ago! And I probably was arguing for it back then too.


ReportBuilder for Mac (and PC and office.com) is available TODAY for CJA.

We're actively considering adding Mac support for ReportBuilder, but keep in mind it requires a total rewrite of the ReportBuilder plugin. It's not as simple as "copy/paste" from PC to Mac.


Nonetheless, we hear you, I promise.


In the meantime, in the past I had successfully used ReportBuilder on my Mac via loading Windows in a VM. Far from ideal, but it's better than nothing. 

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Event starts:

Apr 23, 2024 - 10:00 AM (PDT)

Event ends:

Apr 23, 2024 - 11:00 AM (PDT)

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