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why i can't find [user attributes] in visitor profiels when i create an audience


Level 2

1、 I have used Profile API [updateUserAttribute] to create an attribute like this

          updateUserAttribute("user_type", 1);

2、i want to use this attribute(user_type) to create different audiences in AT, so i select the rule [Visitor Profile] when i created andience

here is the question: i can't find the an option of "user_type" or "user.user_type".


I don't know how to use the attribute[user_type] in AT.

Anyone could help me?

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by

weil20720421​ Glad that your issue is resolve and thank you for sharing your resolution.

Ref: Target API reference (new) - Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDKs

View solution in original post

5 Replies



weil20720421​ Please refer to Methods . If you do a Get profile are you able to see the attribute that you set in the user profile?


Level 2

Thank you for you answer.

The Methods seems use at.js on web page。

In my case , i need to use AT on a native app(android and ios).

I have followed this document to update attributes by mobile sdk,

the question is i don't know how to use the attribute in AT.

Or have any other method to get data into Target with Mobile SDK?



weil20720421​ Can you confirm which version of the SDK your trying to implement?


Level 2

Current SDK versions - Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDKs

I have used <Mobile Core> <Profile> <Adobe Target> this three SDKs.

It's seems that using Profile API "updateUserAttribute" can't pass data to Target.

I have resolved the problem by using Target API "retrieveLocationContent" with ProfileParameters.

Thanks a lot.


Correct answer by

weil20720421​ Glad that your issue is resolve and thank you for sharing your resolution.

Ref: Target API reference (new) - Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDKs