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Target: Sorry, the page requested was refused by server


Level 1

I've been having issues with Adobe Target recently. Chrome would not render experiences and would show an error message "Sorry the page requested was refused by server" - I tried Firefox and got the same error. I used Edge and it worked. So I built a test there late last week. Today I log into Edge and get the same error message. I've tried all the usual things, installed VEC Helper for Chrome, switched the Enhanced Composer toggle in settings, all to no avail. Any adivce? 


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2 Replies


Level 2

Hi @BlueAcorn_TimS ,

You can try enabling the Enhanced Experience Composer (EEC) or adding the Adobe Experience Cloud Visual Editing Helper extensions to the chrome with this link.


Hope this helps!




Community Advisor

Hi @BlueAcorn_TimS ,


Download the VEC helper here
ii) Click the Configure (gear icon) option, select Page Delivery, toggle on Enable Enhanced Composer