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How Does Priority Work in Adobe Target with Different Audiences?


Level 2

Hello everyone,

In Adobe Target, the Priority (0-999) setting determines which activity gets executed first. From my understanding, a higher number means higher priority, so the activity with the highest number is displayed first.

  1. Is there an option where a lower-priority number gets executed first instead of a higher one?
  2. If I have different audiences assigned to different activities and set priorities for them, will Adobe Target execute the activities based on priority or based on audience qualification?

Thank you for your support.

Vishnupriya R

1 Reply


Level 1

Hi Vishnupriya,

It is true in Adobe Target that the Priority (0-999) setting determines which activity is executed first, with a higher number indicating higher priority. However, Adobe Target does not always execute activities strictly by priority alone.

Here’s how it works:
1) Audience Qualification v/s Priority
Adobe Target first checks which activities a user qualifies for based on audience rules. Then, priority is considered among the activities the user qualifies for, the one with the highest priority number is executed first.

2) Can a lower priority activity be executed first?

No, Adobe Target does not have a built-in option to execute a lower-priority activity first.

3) What happens if different audiences are assigned to different activities?

Adobe Target will first check the audience conditions. Among the activities a user qualifies for, the highest-priority activity will be shown to the user.