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Seeing Target activities inside AEM?


Level 1

This is really a Target + AEM question, but the net is we would love to see which pages in AEM have a Target test running so nothing gets broken during a page update (of any sort). Has anyone come up with a good way of letting authors know that a test might be running on a given page? Open to any and all ideas, programmatic or even through some naming or workflow process.


Thanks so much.


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5 Replies


Level 9

@jkqcom  suggest to use platform debugger and check request and parameter for target



Level 1

Thanks and sorry if I wasn't clear. I am looking to implement some sort of visual queue in AEM to let authors know that there is a Target activity(s) running on a given page. These are non-technical authors who are used to AEM component authoring and not necessarily familiar with Target. Most won't even have access to Target, and definitely have little development experience. They know the AEM authoring environment, components, and content hierarchy inside and out though, so hoping something visual there might help them.


Level 9

@jkqcom  target is a kind of runtime overlay on the authored > Published page. The issue you mentioned is more of a marketing/ personalization process issue of your organization—it should be clear to the author what pages are in the scope of the target activity.

I think the process issue should be addressed 1st before looking to any tech solution - sometimes the problem can be solved with a process and not require a tech solution


Level 1

We have this same issue where AEM authors are not aware of Target activities running on the pages they are editing. I would also love to be able to see which pages in AEM have a Target test running so nothing gets broken during a page update! FWIW- we've started requesting specific (empty) containers to be added to the AEM pages that we can modify (.personalization-container), the hope being that even if the pages get modified there will be no need to alter that container and therefore the Target activity will continue to function. 


Level 1
Level 1

We have the same issue. We developed a process where authors used the debugger to look for Target running in a quick glance, but the debugger is now worthless because we enabled WebSDK. It would be ideal to have a simple column in AEM authoring environment to indicate a basic indication the same way that you can see Target activities in the experience fragment console, but there isn't. Today, there's a multi-step process that authors need to use in order to rule out Target on a page before working on it, and it is time consuming and risk of human error. Adobe can do better.