using AEM and commerce pack - I have a field on the product scaffolding called "Rank". i would like to have different ranks per different segmens.
is such thing possible?
For example - iPhone X is ranked 1 for segment "Apple Lovers" and Samsung Note8 is ranked 2 for the same segment.
iPhone X is ranked 2 for "Samsung Lovers" and 1 for "Apple Lovers"
Thanks in advance
Solved! Go to Solution.
One of the ways may be to use multiple XT activities with different priorities then you can push targeted content to targeted segments So
For Apple Lovers,
XT Activity 1 at higher priority for iPhone X for same page/same location
XT Activity 2 at lower priority for iPhone X for same page/same location
So, now, Apple Lovers will always fall in Activity 1. But when will they see Rank 2 ever? Well, you may add Fatigue factor in audience by using profile script as say that if user in Activity 1 does not convert even after 3-4 visits, then move him out of campaign and show Activity 2.
One of the ways may be to use multiple XT activities with different priorities then you can push targeted content to targeted segments So
For Apple Lovers,
XT Activity 1 at higher priority for iPhone X for same page/same location
XT Activity 2 at lower priority for iPhone X for same page/same location
So, now, Apple Lovers will always fall in Activity 1. But when will they see Rank 2 ever? Well, you may add Fatigue factor in audience by using profile script as say that if user in Activity 1 does not convert even after 3-4 visits, then move him out of campaign and show Activity 2.
Not sure i got your reply.
In AEM, while doing targeting, i'm working on a specific page and there i can select indeed the XT and create the personalized experience per segment.
My question is a bit different.
what if the value that i want to do personalization on is not ON any content page that is part of the site - it is on the commerce product editor (the page marketing people can change the product prices, name, descriptions etc.)
Example of use case can be - the description of a product will be different per segment
hope the question is clearer now.
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