Through an array, we could get the info of 2 different A/B tests at the same time in the same url.
They had both the Audience as "All visitors".
Now, we are asked to try the same, but this time one of the tests has to be with a custom audience (Referred from another concrete url), whilst the other one maintains the All visitors audience. In this case, the dataLayer where we push the info of the two tests is not getting both info, but one of them in every refresh of the url.
We wonder if this is possible to achieve somehow, or we are just losing time?
Many thanks in advance.
Solved! Go to Solution.
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[4.27.22 Adobe Target Community Q&A Coffee Break Answer provided by @Jim_McTiernan and @simochen:
From @Jim_McTiernan : Not sure I understand your question completely, but you can run 2 different AB tests at the same time on the same URL by creating mutually exclusive tests. Please see:
From @simochen : Thank you for your question @isolda! It is possible to have an activity with two audiences for the same test, however the audiences must be mutually-exclusive. From our documentation about multiple experience audiences in A/B tests here, you'll see that if a visitor matches more than one audience (which in this case they would due to the "All Visitors" setting), then the content for each audience will be returned and will push down the visitor's relevant content. In this case, it would be helpful to choose two audiences that are exclusive from one another if you want to set up one single A/B test.
Check out the entire 4.27.22 AT Community Q&A Coffee Break discussion thread for more insights on related topics
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If I am understanding it correctly, you are trying to run XT within an A/B test? If so, it is possible.
There are 2 options to do it
1: A/B with XT
Start with A/B --> Then you can choose to have multiple audience
you can then prioritize the audience as sequence, this will allow the the audience on the top to be shown in the top priority, then whoever not qualify will be default into all visitors.
Benefit of the this method, you can have Exp A, as default, and only works on Exp B, however, if you are using A4T, when you are building the dashboard in Analytics for report, you will hit obstals, as for now in Analytics cannot further breakdown by XT in Target experiences level yet.
2: Only use XT
you can also running 4 XTs to trick it
Exp A set audience as 50%traffic and from customer audience with Default experience
Exp B set audience as 50%traffic and from customer audience with Testing experience
Exp A set audience as 50%traffic and from all visitor exclude customer audience Default experience
Exp A set audience as 50%traffic and from all visitor exclude customer audience Testing experience
below script will split the traffic 50/50 as A/B test does
if(!user.get('two.Groups')){ var random_number=Math.floor(Math.random()*99);
then you can combine audience in Target Audience library
Benefit of this method, is that you can build A4T reporting dashboard based on the 4 experiences, however, the downside of it, is you might need to manually together a report to explain, that this is an A/B test instead of a XT test (e.g. Default = Exp A + Exp C; Testing =Exp B + Exp B, but these you can then set segments in Analytics for your reporting)
I hope this helps.
[4.27.22 Adobe Target Community Q&A Coffee Break Answer provided by @Jim_McTiernan and @simochen:
From @Jim_McTiernan : Not sure I understand your question completely, but you can run 2 different AB tests at the same time on the same URL by creating mutually exclusive tests. Please see:
From @simochen : Thank you for your question @isolda! It is possible to have an activity with two audiences for the same test, however the audiences must be mutually-exclusive. From our documentation about multiple experience audiences in A/B tests here, you'll see that if a visitor matches more than one audience (which in this case they would due to the "All Visitors" setting), then the content for each audience will be returned and will push down the visitor's relevant content. In this case, it would be helpful to choose two audiences that are exclusive from one another if you want to set up one single A/B test.
Check out the entire 4.27.22 AT Community Q&A Coffee Break discussion thread for more insights on related topics
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