Hi all,
I have two questions related to Adobe Target implementation through Web SDK.
1. Is there any impact if I uncheck "Automatically send a display event" checkbox? The reason being, enabling this checkbox adds a extra server call and impacting the bounce rate in Adobe Analytics as the user is showing as non bounce every time an AB test runs on the page.
2. On order confirmation page, I am sending all the relevant order metrics (product info, order id, price, quantity etc.) using commerce object to AEP. Is this sufficient to track Average Order Value , Revenue per Visitor metrices in Adobe Target? I have chosen my Primary Goal metric as Revenue(RPV) with the action as "Viewed an mbox" - "target-global-mbox".
Thanks in Advance.
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For question 1), you need to separately send the display event information, as mentioned on the second checkbox. This would be done in the same call as your Analytics data is being sent and should avoid the issue of having two calls per page load registered to Analytics as well.
For number 2), it has been a while since I've sent conversion data to Target specifically, but it should be sufficient for the metrics you mentioned, assuming those are sent along with the global mbox.
Hello @SSampsa,
Thanks for your answer. I am clear on 2)
However, for 1) , I am not sure how to send the display information within the same server call. I am already sending the eventType as "web.webpagedetails.pageViews". Should I change it to "Decisioning Proposition Display" and uncheck "Automatically send a display event" checkebox?
Or do I need to use the feature "Send event complete" rule type to get the decisioning proposition and pass it manually?