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How to implement orderconfirmation mbox for nodejs sdk - Serverside implementation


Level 1

we are trying to implement orderconfirmation mbox for nodejs sdk. We are getting the click count for this metric. Is there any syntax change or anyone help us with the work flow of orderconfirm mbox for server side. Sample code below,

var clickNotificationData = {
"id": "bannerThreeClick",
"mbox": { "name": $(this).attr('mbox-name') },
"orderId": "125",
"orderTotal": "450",
"productPurchasedId": "26"
"tokens": [$(this).attr('mbox-token')],
"timestamp": parseInt(new Date().getTime()),
"type": "display",
nodeApi('/notification', {
mboxes: [clickNotificationData],
"visitor": _satellite.cookie.get("AMCV_" + _satellite.company.orgId)



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