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How to access data from JSON offer through a HMTL offer?


Level 3

I created one activity with two offers.  One is Json Data Offer and another one in HTML type of offer.

In my Json offer i stored 


    "_id": "5a65d24d8fafc966921e9169",

    "index": 0,

    "guid": "7c006504-c6f7-468d-a46f-f72531ea454c",

    "isActive": true,

    "balance": "$2,075.06",

    "picture": "http://placehold.it/32x32",

    "greeting": "Hello, Stephenson Fernandez! You have 4 unread messages.",

    "favoriteFruit": "strawberry"


In my html offer.  I stored





  "mbox": "target-global-mbox",

  "params": {},

  "success": function(offer) {    



  "error": function(status, error) {         

      console.log('Error', status, error);




I follow the steps here but it won't work   Create JSON offers https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/target/target/c_create_json_offer.html

1 Reply


Level 1

Hey there,
running into the same issue so I'll bump up the thread.