Hi, I need to know what are the sources?? Whay are they used?? Can we import segments from anywhere?? Is there any indication that we can use this?? I cannot find anything related to this?Like how we can get data from other sources in adobe analytics? Can we do the same with the adobe target? Can we...
Hello mates, I'm attempting to configure an experience with Adobe Target using the VEC in a Single Page Application (SPA). Initially, it works fine on the first visit, but when I navigate through the web and return to the page where the experience should trigger again, it doesn't work. I've checked ...
I saw this multiple choice question in the practice area for Adobe Target certification."In what scenario is it most appropriate to run an Automated Personalization Activity?"As an Activity that records data in the background with minimal collisions.In situations or strategies that require the least...
Hello, New to Adobe stack and starting to think about few options on Implementing Adobe Target. I am hoping to get some insights if anyone has done a side by side comparison of capabilities (i.e what you gain vs what you loose) for Adobe Target client side implementation vs Server Side or areas whe...
Hello, I would like to create an A/B test where users from different countries are shown either a control or a country specific version of a web page. Is it possible to connect a specific audience to a single page in an A/B test? This article seems to almost have the answer, but doesn't contai...
Hi I am new to Adobe Target. I have a client that has a website that does not have a login portal. The client is in the Banking Industry. I want each specific end users who enter the site to have a personalized contents. As of now there is a News page, Reports and Researches, and Statistical Data p...
I have two servers, a stage.example.com and example.com (a production site).When testing an experience on stage, is it possible for the content to appear on production?Here's the setup scenario.Activity Location: stage.example.comor any page where /sub-folder/, /purchase/and url is not https://stage...
Hello All,As you know Google Chrome is phasing out the third party cookies pretty soon and Adobe Target uses demdex and s_vi cookies (A4T) will have high impact on the Target audience. Can you share Adobe thoughts and process to mitigate the impact on our Target tests until we migratre to web SDK?
Could you please help me understand how does these numbers (attached) would look on a histogram? Both on control and treated groups histogram would be super helpful as I try to understand the stats behind these numbers?