We have the following business requirements for a given audience:
profile attribute "stateA" is present AND does not equal "CT"
profile attribute "stateA" equals "CT" AND mbox param zipCode equals one of a list of 300 zip codes
This has been implemented successfully into an audience.
Where we foresee future issues is with a follow up set of requirements:
profile attribute "stateA" is not present AND profile attribute "stateB" is present AND does not equal "CT"
profile attribute "stateA" is not present AND profile attribute "stateB" equals "CT" AND mbox param zipCode equals one of a list of 300 zip codes
I'm wondering if there's a way to store the list of 300 zip codes in a centralized place to avoid repeating the list across multiple audiences whenever we need to reference it. If the list of zip codes has to change, we would prefer only having to update it in one place, instead of multiple places.