Hi! I'd like to know if there is any audit or guide to verify the installation of Adobe Target and diagnose potential errors. Console commands, external tools... anything in that regard. In our case, the installation was done through Tealium, and we are getting a lot of intermittence in the delivery of experiences. However, we cannot identify the cause of the problem in order to address it.
Thank you in advance.
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Hi @GabriellaPa
Did you check this documentation Adobe Target Extension | List of extensions | Tealium Docs
Hello @GabriellaPa
Firstly is this integration on client side using Tealium Tag manager?
Yes there are couple of ways with which you can able to see the Target activities running smoothly and debug the activities too.
1) Adobe Experience Platform debugger extension - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/debugger/solutions/target.html?lang=en This will help you to see which activities you qualify or don’t qualify for and why. and the related network request.
2) Response Tokens - The process you use to listen for Target responses and read response tokens. You can able to see the response in the network tabs.
Please see if this something helps you, if not come back. Happy to help .
Thank you for your help!
I already use AEP debugger to see what's running... my problem is that sometimes (and only sometimes) the experiences are not being delivered. Even on the editor it doesn't work sometimes, we have this intermittence.
The website is a SPA. Is there any checklist of points I could use to verify if the installation is done correctly through Tealium?
Hi @GabriellaPa
Did you check this documentation Adobe Target Extension | List of extensions | Tealium Docs