I have created few AB activities on luma website but i am not able to see changes on activity QA url.
What could be the reason.
Please suggest.
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@NidhiAgrawal1 as you can see in the console log , it states "Invalid QA token : Wrong client" . Could you try activating this activity and then check if you see the correct content.
This error usually occurs when we are trying to reactivate an old ended activity. Please try creating a new activity (Do not copy from any old ended activity but create a new one from scratch) and then add QA audience to it and then activate the activity to check the status.
@NidhiAgrawal1 Can you please try QA URL in a different browser (Please make sure that you have saved your activity and have cleared cache while checking in a different browser. check for console errors if any).
Is your "Match audience rules to see experiences" turned on and do you qualify for the audience ?
As you suggested made the changes but still chnages are not reflecting in activity QA url.
As Bhuwan suggested earlier, try clearing cache and look for any errors in console or VEC.
@NidhiAgrawal1 Issue is with your launch rule. Target call is not firing correctly on the website and so Target QA link is not working. Change launch rule to fire target and test again. Refer below link.
Target rule is firing also injecting same launch script what we have in property .
But not able to see changes in activity url
@Sneha-Parmar Can you please check the below URLs, if that helps :
@NidhiAgrawal1 to further narrow down the problem could you please try using QA audiences and then set the activity live ? Just try using any QA audience such as "Current URL query string parameter contains "Test123".
This would help you in identifying if the issue is with QA link or your setup.
We have seen few issue wherein the QA url may not load expected content on the first load . Such issues are also observed with Target activities that are Ended . QA URL for such activities will also render 400 .
@Gaurav_Singh Yeah right i am getting 400 with QA url after adding custom audiences i have just added audience as per geography India and in my query param i am getting "at_preview_evaluate_as_true_audience_ids=7745442".
@NidhiAgrawal1 as you can see in the console log , it states "Invalid QA token : Wrong client" . Could you try activating this activity and then check if you see the correct content.
This error usually occurs when we are trying to reactivate an old ended activity. Please try creating a new activity (Do not copy from any old ended activity but create a new one from scratch) and then add QA audience to it and then activate the activity to check the status.
@Gaurav_Singh Nope tried many times facing same issue.
This delivery call should go in network tab when we used to inject script from debugger