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Fewer Clicks to Add Audience Targeting to Reporting Metrics


Level 10


We usually use A4T to report on Test results, but when Auto Allocation is selected, A4T can't be used - the metrics in Target need to be used.

While setting up the metrics in Target, there appears to be an opportunity to reduce the number of clicks to add an audience to the reporting metrics. Right now you have to:

1. Click on the gear icon (see yellow highlighting in the screen shot below)


2. Then you have to click "Add Audience Targeting" (see yellow highlighting in the screen shot below)


3. Then you have to click "Add Audience/Targeting Condition" (see yellow highlighting in the screen shot below)


REQUEST: Could the logic be changed so that the "Add Audience/Targeting Condition" link is always available?  (so get rid of step #1 and step #2 and go right to step #3).

If a person doesn't want to use this feature, then they won't click on the link (much like the gear is always shown, but you don't click on it if you don't want to use it). But, if a person does want to use it, then it is only 1 click instead of 3 clicks to get to the audiences!!!

Thanks -






Hi Sarah, thanks for sharing this excellent idea, and for providing the very helpful documentation to support it! We have shared this feedback with our design team and have logged it as a design improvement that we intend to incorporate, though the timeline for this is not concrete. Thanks so much for your collaboration!




Level 10


YaY!!!   Please pass on my "THANKS!!!" to the design team for planning to incorporate this design change in an upcoming release