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Add multiple goal metrics in A4T goal metrics


Level 2


Description -

It would be great if we can have multiple goal metrics (ex- success rate of 10 buttons individually instead of one single goal metrics which counts success if anyone clicked any of 10buttons)

Why is this feature important to you -

In the current scenario, we can only set one goal metrics per activity, however in many use-cases we would require adding multiple goal metrics per activity.

How would you like the feature to work -

Would like to have the option to add multiple goal metrics per activity and to allow playing with these metrics in the A4T report to get the insights from the reports.

Current Behaviour - 

Currently we are allowed to set only one goal metric per activity.



Community Advisor


Hi @vijayc88216288,

what you can do is that you create several activities (make sure that the variants are separated accordingly - and correspond to the actual activity) - which only serve for reporting.


It is a little more time-consuming. But in certain cases quite helpful.

Because multiple goal metrics would also bring other difficulties. Like when is a variant the winner? Here there should also be a possibility of weighting / prioritization, etc.


Best regards


Level 2


Hi @vijayc88216288 ,


As an alternative, If your Analytics implementation allow any internal campaign tracking, you can set up the CTAs with different tracking parameters in the destination link with ?xxx, then breakdown the parameters in A4T reports.


I hope this helps.




Level 3


@vijayc88216288 Amen, brother. I'm with you on this one. Specific to using AutoTarget or AP for things like 'next best offer' models, it would be helpful if we could have different goal metrics for each experience. These experiences/products/offers can often have widely different success metrics that are often already existing individually. Especially in places like native app, where we may have to engage other internal departments to create a new very specific metric, it can be painful and time consuming if we have to create new specific single metrics.