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Target Recommendation Feed Status


Level 3

I tried uploading a feed via URL approach

Below are the steps I took

In the Publish instance of AEM DAM I uploaded a .csv file (feedwomenpage.csv).

PFB URL of feed http://localhost:4503/content/dam/we-retail/feedwomenpage.csv

Feed is available, if I check putting this URL in chrome browser

(I created a sample feed after downloading the format from Adobe Target console itself)

I provided this URL in Adobe Target console, in creation of feed section via csv and URL

In schedule section, I scheduled it for daily, and provide time after 5 minutes of the time when I created this

It does not ask for any mapping, environment all host groups and I saved it

The Feed status Changes from Waiting for downlaod --> Unknown Error (PFA image of error)

Kindly help me in understanding, where I am going wrong, Why this "Unknown Error" is coming??

Unknown Error Feed.JPG

2 Replies



Hi Abhishek,

The URL seems to be a local host which cannot be accessed externally. Could you please upload the feed on a URL which is accessible over the internet without authentication.




Level 3

Hi Shanker,

I used cloud instance of AEM this time to publish feed for Target recommendation activity and the URL is


The status in Adobe Target for feed is "Waiting for Index Queue for last 40 minutes". PFA screenshotThe feed is small and has only 3 items

I want to understand

1. How much time it can take for status to change to success?

2. Could I search for these 3 items in catalog section before success status? I want to be sure that items/product has been successfully updated in Target, which can be used for recommendation activity

Feed Status.JPG