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[SUMMIT SESSION VIDEO] Adobe Summit 2023, Adobe Target Session [S823] Personalization for Dynamic Customer Service




Watch this session recording, review the attached session materials,

and post your follow-up Questions as a Reply to this Thread for follow-up Answers from the experts!  

Details: [S823] Personalization for Dynamic Customer Service

Dynamic chat technologies have become more prevalent in engaging web browsing visitors and identifying their intent and preferences to convert them into happy consumers. But far too often it feels like we’re receiving a robo-chat with automated responses that are not engaging in a relevant conversation. See how an AI-powered personalization engine, equipped with the right data and integrated with dynamic chat, can raise the relevance to the roof in your automated responses for both B2B and B2C companies. 

In this session, we’ll demonstrate: 

  • The delta in experience between a pure automated chat and one integrated with an intelligent, AI-powered personalization engine 
  • A look under the hood to see how easy it is to integrate and execute 
  • A live dynamic chat demo that feels like a real conversation with a potential customer 

Watch this session recording

Recorded on: Thursday, Mar 23rd, 2023: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT

Q&A: Please Post your Qs as a Reply below! *be sure to begin your question with Drew's and Harold's Target Community usernames, "@Drburns27" and "@haroldj82208792so that they can be notified when you post!

Session Speaker(s):

Drew Burns.jpeg



Drew Burns (aka @Drburns27), Group Product Marketing Manager for Adobe Target, Adobe 



Harold Janson.jpeg



Harold Janson (aka @haroldj82208792), Chief Personalization Officer, Helium



List of Adobe Target - focused Summit Session Recordings & Resources: Click here


 EMEA Community Register today for EMEA Adobe Summit 2023 (Jun 8 –9 in London) and be sure not to miss these Adobe Target sessions while you’re there!  


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