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Profile Script Libary


Level 1

I am optimizing the Website with a lot of Scripts.

Adobe always talks about Profile Scripts and how powerful they are.

But is there also a library with the Best Case Profile Scripts which can be used on the Web.

For Example Profile Script for Category Affinity, and Product Affinity?

I think it would be great to have such a collection.

Best Regards


4 Replies


Level 2

Hi Manuel,

That's quite bizzare, this question hasn't been answered yet.

Did you get hold of any resource like that? I agree that would be quite helpful and bring less dependency on Adobe Consultants




Employee Advisor


Unfortunately there is currently no library of the Best Profile Scripts Examples. croNinja is correct most of the time customers work on profile scripts with an in house developer or an Adobe Implementation Consultant. If you are a developer this resource should be of assistance: https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/target/target/r_variables_profiles_parameters_metho...

Mihnea Docea  | Technical Support Rep, Customer Care | Customer & Employee Experience | Adobe | (:: 1 (800) 497-0335


Level 2

Thanks Mike for your reply.

Following the link you shared, I have 3 questions
1 - What is it I can do with GET in user.get('blah blah')? Could you please share couple of examples/use cases

2-  What setLocal and getLocal really do? are getLocal and GET different?

3-  From the list user.header('cookie') doesn't seem to return the browser cookie value. Could you give us some examples of its usage in case I'm doing that wrong?




Level 3

I found one link online, maybe it could be of any help - Adobe Target Profile Script Examples

Also a Cheat sheet - https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/tnt/pdf/js_expression_cheat_sheet.pdf