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How to create rawbox in Target


Level 1

I am trying to integrate AC classic 7 with  AT standard.

Integration steps: Integrating Target with Adobe Campaign

In the section, Include a Target Offer in an Adobe Campaign Email following  steps are mentioned:

  1. Create an email in Adobe Campaign.
  2. In the email properties, click Include > Dynamic image served by Adobe Target.
  3. Select the default image from the shared assets.
  4. Specify the location (rawbox).
  5. Add any other decisioning parameters, such as the gender of the recipient.
  6. Preview the email, selecting at least one recipient for each offer (in this case, a male and a female)

Out of this above 6 steps I have performed above 3 steps but I am not able to specify the rawbox and add the decision parameters.

Please advice how to configure the same:

  • How to create a "rawbox". At this stage when I try to create an Audience with a custom rule, I can only view "target-global-mbox".


  • How can i create similar Audience that is being used for testing in below video?

        Adobe Campaign + Adobe Target for Email Personalization - YouTube

  • I also need to understand how Adbox is created and used for email personalization and how it is different from above. I am using the following URL for understanding. Is it limited to AT Classic

        Test an Email Image Adbox




2 Replies


Level 2

Hi Saikat,

Did you get a ans. for this.

  • How to create a "rawbox". At this stage when I try to create an Audience with a custom rule, I can only view "target-global-mbox".


Chirag S.


Level 10

Both questions are more closely related to Adobe Target. Moved the post there for follow up.