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Introducing Adobe Target Implementation / Installation Guide



Introducing Adobe Target Implementation/Installation Guide.

Adobe Target implementation guides are your one stop shop for all your Adobe Target implementation needs.  From how to get started to final configurations – our guides aim to help you at every step of your Adobe Target implementation journey. Some handy links below:

  • Discovery and Requirements: A handy checklist that ensures you have all answers from your stakeholders before embarking on an implementation.
    Click here to know more.

  • Configuration and Implementation: A guide to address all your queries on setting up the at.js or mbox.js Adobe Target client library , including Dynamic Tag Management.
    Click here to know more.

  • Implementation Resources: A comprehensive guide that helps you through all other implementation processes.
    Click here to know more.

  • Post Implementation: A guide that details out how to ensure the correctness and completeness of the implementation.
    Click here to know more.

3 Replies


Level 1

Hi, Would you be able to share how to implement Target in Mobile Apps?And also How to implement views and click tracking, via Target offer, and pass the data to Analytics. If possible through Context Data better.



Hi Sudhar97736906,

Yes, Please go through https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/target/target/c_target_mobile_app.html understand mobile app optimization and personalization with Adobe Target.

All the aspects around Adobe Target and Adobe Analytics integration are available at https://helpx.adobe.com/marketing-cloud/how-to/analytics-target.html

You can learn about 'Context data variables' allowing to define custom variables on each page that can be read by processing rules at https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/sc/implement/context_data_variables.html

Additionally, You can also find exhaustive information around implementation of Adobe Target at https://helpx.adobe.com/target/kb/adobe-target-implementation-guide.html

Lets us know if this information suffices your concerns.


Puneet Aneja


Level 2

Can you fix this link?  Adobe Target Implementation Guide

The business-rfi guide url is actually the technical-rfi guide in the "Discovery and Requirements" section.

The technical guide url was posted twice in this section.
