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Can you please provide an explanation of the differences in options under the reporting section when you select 'Revenue'. Specifically looking for the difference between 'Orders' & 'Total Sales'? We are trying to measure the total revenue per order but are not sure if we should select 'total sales' or 'orders' - please advise. Thank you!
Hi @Mycal_Tamariki thank you for your question and welcome to the Target coffee break! Are you using A4T for reporting or just Target?
Hi! Just Adobe Target for this test, thanks
I have been working around the geo-distributed nature of Adobe Target profiles for quite some time and am noticing that Target seems to be an outlier when compared to other tools on that front. Any thoughts on simplifying the architecture so that profile updates to the central hub would not incur a 30 min to 1 hour delay on the edges?
Hi @Eric_Vidana Great to meet you here on the Coffee Break and thanks for your question.
This is certainly valuable info for our product teams to better understand future roadmap discussions and strategy planning, especially from an architecture perspective. Two items below which would be useful for next steps:
1. Our teams would love to hear more about the specific use case where a faster sync is needed. Can you provide a bit more detail on the use case and specific objectives with using Adobe Target w/ faster profile updates on the edge network?
2. Can you please take a few minutes to this to our Adobe Target Ideas portal to submit the request directly to our product teams?
Thank you, Eric!!
Hello everyone! Welcome and thank you for joining today's Adobe Target coffee break! We are excited to answer any questions you have with Adobe Target for mobile apps. Please stay tuned as we continue to field questions throughout the today's session.
Hi @bkostak and @shelbygoff, hanks for taking the time today to take questions from our Target Community! This question was posted by Target Community member, @dev_malik:
"We are working on implementation of Adobe Target on Mobile application using AEP SDK.
Can some one suggest all the steps need to followed. Documentation doesn't helps much"
Link to Original Community Question: Implementation of Adobe Target on Mobile application
Hi @dev_malik
We have new documentation on implementing Target with the AEP Mobile SDK including specific docs on supporting platforms for Android, iOS, React Native, Flutter, Cordova, and Xamarin.
Here is link for overview of two methods on AEP Mobile SDKs support with Target:
1) AEP Edge Network
2) Leverage AEC endpoints
Here is link for directions on implementing AEP SDK into your mobile app:
Hi @bkostak and @shelbygoff, this question was posted by Target Community member,
"Hello, I am looking at working with the Target Admin APIs (not v1, but these
I have two main questions:
(1) For some of the "List" endpoints (such as Audiences or Activities), the documentation states that the results can be filtered or sorted by attributes. However, there is no documentation regarding format and what attributes may be filtered by. For example, I did figure out how to filter by Activity state (i.e. ?state=approved,deactivated); however, I cannot figure how to filter by dates of any kind (modified, created, lifetime start, etc). There is no documentation on which date fields (if any) can be filtered on, nor how one could filter by a date range rather than a single date.
(2) For some of the detail endpoints, I noticed that not all data seems to be returned by default. For example, according to the docs, the response from the "/audiences/{id}" endpoint should contain fields for "status" and "type"; however, the response from my endpoint contains neither of these fields. Is there any way to control which fields are returned by the endpoint?
Is there some other place that these options are documented?
Link to Original Community Question: Target Admin Apis -Questions on Filtering, Sorting, and Controlling Fields Returned
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Hi @KMarchewa, thanks for your question! To answer the first part of your question, here's another document that shows how to add these filtering parameters for list APIs:
As for the second part, it may depend on what version of the API is being used, as the documentation above also shows the expected payload for the GET Audience by ID API, and the state is not present in the payload. I wold recommend opening a support ticket to get to the bottom of that.
Hi @bkostak and @shelbygoff, this question was posted by Target Community member, LordOfTheRings:
"Hi Team, Adobe target is implemented through AEP WEBSDK.
We have used below code to trigger profile parameter
alloy("sendEvent", {
data: {
__adobe: {
target: {
"profile.vehicleSeen": "xxxx",
It is trigerring well in the calls :
however, "vehicleSeen" profile parameter is not visible under Visitor Profile section to create the audience.
I created the profile script but that is also not working.
Since it is not an XDM object so how could I access sendEvent data info ?
Any leads on how to access the profile paramters in AEP Web SDK method?"
Link to Original Community Question: Adobe Target | Access Profile Parameters using AEP Web SDK
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Hi @ambikaTewari_ATCI, thanks for your question! I believe this is covered in this document:
Please let us know if any clarification is needed.
Thank you @shelbygoff This helps.
Hi @bkostak and @shelbygoff, this question was posted by Target Community member, LordOfTheRings:
"Hi Team,
We followed these instruction to track the visitor between App and Mobile view:
Do I need to pass any sdid also to m-web page for A4T data stitching ?"
Link to Original Community Question: A4T | Hybrid App Tracking
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Hi @ambikaTewari_ATCI! Thank you for the question. Short answer, yes for SDID being required for data stitching. Here are two links for more details:
A4T implementation:
A4T reporting:
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Hi @ben_mrm, thanks for your question! You should be able to browse profiles in the AEP interface and zero in on their segment membership to determine if they’re qualified for an AEP segment or segments used in a Target audience. Here’s some additional documentation on this feature and where to find it: