Jim McTiernan has been involved in the optimization space since 2009 when he joined Adobe Corporation. Currently, Jim is an Adobe Cloud Expert, specializing in Adobe Target.
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@Jim_McTiernan How do access tokens work for hitting the target API?
99% of the documentation I have read say nothing about needing an access token to hit the API, (with the 1 % just saying at the beginning of the API docs, here is how you get an access token, but nothing saying it needed to be included on any other request.) so I was surprised when I copied a target request from my dev tools and saw that the request payload had an API token.
Are these minted constantly? If I get one, can I use it forever? Do they have time limits? etc.
@darthzeran wrote:@Jim_McTiernan How do access tokens work for hitting the target API?
99% of the documentation I have read say nothing about needing an access token to hit the API, (with the 1 % just saying at the beginning of the API docs, here is how you get an access token, but nothing saying it needed to be included on any other request.) so I was surprised when I copied a target request from my dev tools and saw that the request payload had an API token.
Are these minted constantly? If I get one, can I use it forever? Do they have time limits? etc.
The Target API can be split into different categories as described here.
All Admin APIs and the Authenticated Profile APIs and the Reporting API (subsection in the Admin API) use the Adobe.IO integration. And all Adobe.IO APIs must include the Access Token in the request header.
The Delivery API does not need authentication.
@surebee wrote:
@darthzeran wrote:@Jim_McTiernan How do access tokens work for hitting the target API?
99% of the documentation I have read say nothing about needing an access token to hit the API, (with the 1 % just saying at the beginning of the API docs, here is how you get an access token, but nothing saying it needed to be included on any other request.) so I was surprised when I copied a target request from my dev tools and saw that the request payload had an API token.
Are these minted constantly? If I get one, can I use it forever? Do they have time limits? etc.The Target API can be split into different categories as described here.
All Admin APIs and the Authenticated Profile APIs and the Reporting API (subsection in the Admin API) use the Adobe.IO integration. And all Adobe.IO APIs must include the Access Token in the request header.
The Delivery API does not need authentication.
Maybe we need to make a ticket then, because when we call the Delivery API without an access token to hit our mBox, we get nothing, but when I copied the call from my DevTools and pasted it in postman, it worked because there was an access_token field in the payload
@darthzeran wrote:
@surebee wrote:
@darthzeran wrote:@Jim_McTiernan How do access tokens work for hitting the target API?
99% of the documentation I have read say nothing about needing an access token to hit the API, (with the 1 % just saying at the beginning of the API docs, here is how you get an access token, but nothing saying it needed to be included on any other request.) so I was surprised when I copied a target request from my dev tools and saw that the request payload had an API token.
Are these minted constantly? If I get one, can I use it forever? Do they have time limits? etc.The Target API can be split into different categories as described here.
All Admin APIs and the Authenticated Profile APIs and the Reporting API (subsection in the Admin API) use the Adobe.IO integration. And all Adobe.IO APIs must include the Access Token in the request header.
The Delivery API does not need authentication.
Maybe we need to make a ticket then, because when we call the Delivery API without an access token to hit our mBox, we get nothing, but when I copied the call from my DevTools and pasted it in postman, it worked because there was an access_token field in the payload
Sure, please email us at clientcare@adobe.com with the activity name, full request and response so we can take a look.
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@Jim_McTiernanDO you have any good tools or methods to help us understand how to debug Target experiences that are failing to load on the page due to JS errors or conflicts when running mulitple activities on a page. I have seen errors related to click tracking but nothing solid seems to some out of it. Tips/Tricks?
@Jamie_Re wrote:@Jim_McTiernanDO you have any good tools or methods to help us understand how to debug Target experiences that are failing to load on the page due to JS errors or conflicts when running mulitple activities on a page. I have seen errors related to click tracking but nothing solid seems to some out of it. Tips/Tricks?
Are you using Mbox Trace for debugging? It should show the Target Activities, ones you've qualified for, and Experiences returned. See:
I am using tge MBox Trace and I can see what is running but I am interesting in what is failing to run and if you have any tips about how to debug that kind of situation.
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@Jim_McTiernan thanks for taking the time to answer questions today! This question was originally posted by Target Community user @praveshn5700477 in this original thread :
"if we are showing the products in 3 different recommendation (eg: recommended for you, based on your last purchase, etc) to the logged-in user (A) on the homepage/landing page on m web, and if the same user logs in to the app, Target should be able to identify the user as user (A) and the user should see the same products is recommended for you, based on your last purchase, etc as he saw on m web. how this can be achieved?"
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@Amelia_Waliany wrote:@Jim_McTiernan thanks for taking the time to answer questions today! This question was originally posted by Target Community user @praveshn5700477 in this original thread :
"if we are showing the products in 3 different recommendation (eg: recommended for you, based on your last purchase, etc) to the logged-in user (A) on the homepage/landing page on m web, and if the same user logs in to the app, Target should be able to identify the user as user (A) and the user should see the same products is recommended for you, based on your last purchase, etc as he saw on m web. how this can be achieved?"
You will need to use mbox3rdpartyid with the Target request and pass a consistent customer id value for the user with each Target call across the different channels to achieve this use case. Using the same id value, Target will then access the known user’s profile and provide consistent recommendations across different channels. Please see: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/audiences/visitor-profiles/3rd-party-id.html?la...
@Jim_McTiernan thanks for taking the time to answer questions today! This question was originally posted by Target Community user @christammm in this original thread:
"My A/B Test activity has recently finished it's desired testing duration. I'm using Target Reporting as the reporting source. Before the activity was launched, I added some extra audiences for reporting such as "New Visitors" , "Returning Visitors", and two custom audiences: 'Mobile Visitors', and 'Desktop Visitors'.
The issue that I'm currently facing is now I want to see combined visitors who qualified as both ("New Visitor" or "Returning Visitor") AND "Mobile Visitor". Vice versa for "Desktop Visitors".
However I'm concerned about the fact that my activity has already finished running, and that adding new audiences to the activity could potentially not display any new data that fits the criteria for the combined audiences that I want.
Given that there are visitors who qualified for my existing audiences, and the activity has finished, If I were to create new audiences (e.g. - New Mobile Visitors, Returning Mobile Visitors, New Desktop Visitors, Returning Desktop Visitors) based off of those audiences, can I expect data to appear in Target Reports?"
@surebee wrote:@Jim_McTiernan thanks for taking the time to answer questions today! This question was originally posted by Target Community user @christammm in this original thread:
"My A/B Test activity has recently finished it's desired testing duration. I'm using Target Reporting as the reporting source. Before the activity was launched, I added some extra audiences for reporting such as "New Visitors" , "Returning Visitors", and two custom audiences: 'Mobile Visitors', and 'Desktop Visitors'.
The issue that I'm currently facing is now I want to see combined visitors who qualified as both ("New Visitor" or "Returning Visitor") AND "Mobile Visitor". Vice versa for "Desktop Visitors".
However I'm concerned about the fact that my activity has already finished running, and that adding new audiences to the activity could potentially not display any new data that fits the criteria for the combined audiences that I want.
Given that there are visitors who qualified for my existing audiences, and the activity has finished, If I were to create new audiences (e.g. - New Mobile Visitors, Returning Mobile Visitors, New Desktop Visitors, Returning Desktop Visitors) based off of those audiences, can I expect data to appear in Target Reports?"
This use case is a major benefit of using the Analytics for Target (A4T) integration. If Adobe Analytics is selected as your test Activity Reporting Source, then any new metrics and segments can be applied to test reporting retroactively after the test has run. If Target reporting is used, you will need to predefine all the success metrics you wish to use as you set-up the test.
See: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/integrate/a4t/reporting.html?lang=en
Thanks everyone for participating! And many thanks to Moses and Surbhi for your help answering questions today. Appreciate everyone's time and we will look forward to seeing you at future Coffee Breaks.
@Jim_McTiernan Hello Jim, Have a question around Recommendations - we have around 370K products. Around 1K products go out-of-stock and around 4K products are taken out from the website and some are added back. Both the data are from different DataSources. We are updating in feed under 2 entities to exclude them from the Recommendation algorithm. The feed is updated every Monday and Thursday, it takes around 8 hours to process and exclusions to reflect. However, we want the product exclusions to take effect immediately or max within 1 hr else the product in recommendation carousel may take them to 404 page or product that customers can't order (due to out-of-stock). CC team confirmed that time taken for the feed upload doesn't depend on the feed file size but the server queue, so reducing the size of the feed also will not work here. Is there any other way to have products getting excluded faster?
they are in thousands to manually exclude.
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