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Adobe Target content delivery issues with Lazy load function


Employee Advisor

Hi All ,

We are trying to replace some banners in carousel which will be different for different audience base, after creating activity when I checked QA URL we noticed that Target banners are getting overwritten by AEM banners(banners that we want to replace), further when I checked it in developers tool, I got to know that this is happening due to Lazy load function used to load images.

Following are the things that I noticed in Developers tool( in case where I have changed second banner in carousel ),

-Whenever my offer hits on page it replaces old banner with new Target offer banner ( until you slide to the second image ).

-Default (old banner in second slide) is still not loaded cause of lazy load function.

-Once you slide to second image Default (old banner) will load and overwrite Target banner.

Is there any solution for this issue?

6 Replies


Employee Advisor

mikewebguyRaag Shanker​ Can you guys help me on this?


Employee Advisor


Tell me more about the two pages. You made it sound like possibly once you progress to the second page the URL is slightly different is this true?

Mihnea Docea | Technical Support Consultant | Customer Experience | Adobe | (:: 1 (800) 497-0335


Employee Advisor

hi Mike ,

Thanks for reply.

There is only one page, lets say homepage which is having carousal on it, our client has implemented lazy load functionality for loading images in carousel, that means if you slide to second image in carousal it will load gradually (i.e. image does not load until you slide to second image and maybe image src too)

Now what happening is, when we change second banner in carousel with help of Target it perfectly changes image src until we slide to second banner, as we can see in developers tool,

but once you slide to second banner image src will be overwritten by old banner which appears gradually because of lazy load functionality

I hope this will help you to clarify the issue.


Gauresh Kodag


Employee Advisor


Thank you for clarifying. If its not available on first load then Target doesn't know about it and cant' change it I don't think this will work however you could try doing the following:
1. Set up the activity in the VEC (Virtual Experience Composer)
2. Edit the activity and modify the first image.
3. Then "Slide to second image in carousel"
4. Make the changes to the second image.
5. Save and publish.

Like I said unless the image is available at run-time this will probably not work. Let me know either way.

Mihnea Docea | Technical Support Consultant | Customer Experience | Adobe | (:: 1 (800) 497-0335


Employee Advisor


On first load, Image is not available but <img src=""> Tag is available so target appends image in src and when we slide Another image overwrites target image(i.e.src attribute).

Currently we are forcefully changing image using Javascript with help of Custom code option in VEC.

I'll Try as you mentioned earlier too.


Gauresh Kodag.


Level 2

I am facing similar issue but with text changes.


Did you find any solution to it?


@Gaureshk_Kodag  @MihneaD