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🗣️ [Mentor Sneha Parmar] 🌟 Adobe Target Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟



Hello Team,

Welcome to the Adobe Target Community Mentorship Program 2024! This is the featured Community Discussion thread for your Adobe Target Community Mentor, Sneha Parmar (aka @Sneha-Parmar), who will be here to guide and support you and your peers with your Adobe Target questions as you prepare for your Adobe Target Business Practitioner Professional Certification (Exam ID: AD0-E408)through to the end of the program. 

A little bit about your Adobe Target Community Mentor, Sneha Parmar:



Sneha Parmar is a highly experienced MarTech Architect working with Capgemini financial services India. Her key expertise are in field of Customer Data Platforms, Personalization, Digital Analytics and Marketing Automation solutions on Adobe product suite. She has 5+ years of experience in Adobe Target She is a certified Adobe Subject Matter Expert for Adobe Target, AEP-Real Time-CDP, AJO, CJA and Marketo. Sneha is based out of Pune (India) and in her free time she loves gardening. 




Aspirants mapped to Sneha Parmar (aka @Sneha-Parmar) :

  1. aanchal-sikka
  2. Bea
  3. BrittUricchio
  4. Caio_Schelini
  5. darjaza
  6. EmilyAu1
  7. FabioFr2
  8. Mahesh_Gunaje 
  9. PhaniJallipalli

How to participate 

  1. Aspirants’ goal is to clear their Adobe Target Certification during the duration of the program: April 29th, 2024 – June 2nd, 2024.
  2. Aspirants: Post your Questions in this thread to connect with your Mentor, Sneha Parmar (aka @Sneha-Parmar), and your fellow Aspirant peers.  *You are all preparing for the same Certification, so feel free to use this space to share what you’re learning and collaborate! 

Suggested Next Steps for Aspirants:

  • Update your Community Profile photo with your latest headshot so that you can stand out to your Mentor and Peer Aspirants.
  • "Like" this thread to confirm your participation in the program
  • Introduce yourself to Sneha and your Aspirant peers by Replying to this Thread! Break the ice by introducing yourself (location, org/ company, etc.) and your experience with/ interest in Adobe Target  
  • Post your Questions to this thread as you begin learning more about the Adobe Target Business Practitioner Professional Certification (Exam ID: AD0-E408)
  • Test your Target knowledge by browsing through the Adobe Target Community Questions and taking your best shot at answering some Qs!
  • Remember that every post / like / comment you make in your contextual thread and in the Target Community throughout the duration of the program helps increase your chance to be recognized by your Mentor and win exclusive Adobe swag, so bring your best efforts!

Quick links 

We're wishing you all the best as you embark on this learning journey!





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38 Replies


Community Advisor

@Mahesh_Gunaje @piyushk21  @fabiofrasson @darjaza @PhaniJallipalli @designbynumber @BrittUricchio 


What happens to the experience on a page after an A/B, MVT or Auto-Allocate completes?

  • Does it default back to Control View?
  • What are the next steps?
    • Does it go back to business to decide what to show based on results? Then set-up XT/Auto-Target activity?
    • Does this decision process take time and affect business? Do business plan for a parallel targeting based on intermediate results, until final Targeting decision is reached?


Aanchal Sikka


Level 3

This is a good question @aanchal-sikka!


I can kick off the conversation. My company does a lot of A/B testing. They use a sample size calculator to ensure that the correct sample size is met with statistical significance before they evaluate their test results. Auto Allocate is a lot easier since it's going to identify the winner for you, instead of with an A/B test where you have to analyze the winning experience.


Depending on what the A/B test results are, the team brings it back to the business. The business ultimately decides what they want to do with it. If the winner experience is a variation, the team quickly creates an XT to show the new experience to 100% of the audience and it stays up until it's built and released in AEM.


Community Advisor

Thank a lot @BrittUricchio for explaining the flow. Provides clarity!

Aanchal Sikka


Level 8

@BrittUricchio  @aanchal-sikka 


May be my question is very dumb.  What is the source for these Adobe target activities? Is it data from Adobe analytics? That the we can pass from our AEM application via digital data layer?


Community Advisor


There are no dumb questions. I also have just AEM background, so I can understand that there are lots of gaps for us to fill-in.


Few points to note:

1. Adobe Target can work without Adobe Analytics.

2. Adobe Analytics data can be used in Target to understand the historical behavior of customer. This is in terms of Audiences group that a user belong to.

3. Adobe Target can send data to Adobe Analytics, and this is for reporting purposes.


Now by source I guess you mean how it is decided which experience is to be served. There are few important elements.

  • Recognizing the user: In terms of Adobe Experience Cloud products, its in terms of ECID. Its an ID assigned to a user, when he/she visits the site. When user visits again via same browser, ECID would be the same
  • Identifying the Audience for the user: In Target various Audiences are created which identifies a set of users based on some characteristics. Example: if user a fitness-enthusiast. This might have been observed in his browsing-behavior on the site. If the current user shows matching characteristics, his ECID would be linked to fitness-enthusiast audience.
  • Mapping Experience to Audience: An Experience Targeting can be set-up to show specific Teaser/Banner for a fitness-enthusiast.
  • Target experience: As soon as a user visits this specific page with the banner. Target checks for audience corresponding to this user, since he is a fitness-enthusiast, he is shown the specific Teaser.


I have skipped a lot of technical details to keep it simple. Also, I would request if someone with Target experience can validate the explanation.

CC: @@BrittUricchio @designbynumber 

Aanchal Sikka


Level 3

That's an excellent explanation, @aanchal-sikka !

Regarding audiences and profile attributes, one of our clients wanted to send CRM data to Target in order to compose more detailed audiences, and that was accomplished by using Target's Bulk Profile Update API. They would configure daily batches for bulk client update using CSV files.

Profile syncing is also possible. For example, your company has an internal ID for each client and would like to "merge" that ID with Target's PCID, for that mbox3rdPartyId is very useful.

You can also send data using client-side functions (at.js methods), such as targetPageParams()

Detailed information about Target's APIs is present in this link.


Level 8

Hi @Amelia_Waliany 


Whether the mentorship is started? Not getting any mails, or updates in this thread.


Level 3

Hi, @Sneha-Parmar!


Excited to have you on board as our mentor. Here's a little about me:


My name is Brittany Uricchio. I'm located in the United States, specifically New Jersey. I work for CVS Health, under the Aetna umbrella, as it consists of multiple lines of business (LOBs). I currently use Adobe Workfront and over the last year have been interested in learning more about how we leverage our Adobe tech stack. Among other things, I've gotten involved in how the Aetna LOB uses Target and want to stay in tune with how we're planning on continuing to personalize at scale. 


Eager to hear from you and hoping you'll be able to provide us with some good conversations, helpful insights/test questions at your earliest convenience!


Community Advisor

Hello Aspirants, 

  1. aanchal-sikka
  2. Bea
  3. BrittUricchio
  4. Caio_Schelini
  5. darjaza
  6. EmilyAu1
  7. FabioFr2
  8. Mahesh_Gunaje 
  9. PhaniJallipalli

Its great to see that you all are engaging well on this platform. Please reach out to me for any questions or queries about Target professional exam. 

To get started, Sharing documentation below and attached for 1st module for self-study. Please go through this and let me know for any question on this thread.


Module 1 - Planning and strategy

This toolkit is designed for Professional Exam Aspirants. There are 4 Modules. Study Each module per week to stick to schedule. Technical Parts of applications are depicted in Videos, you can learn more about them from experience League. You can visit Get prep page to understand the contents and anticipate the learning journey.

This is Professional Exam, Business Practitioner toolkit Module 1. This module contains 6 sections.

Section 1.1 and 1.2 contain generic information about Target solution. What and where to use. Check you job role to understand more about the application.

Sections 1.3 and 1.4 are building blocks to understand Target. Section 1.3 contain information about profiles and Section1.4 is Welcome kit designed chapter wise to give holistic view. Spend good time in section 1.4 to lay strong foundations.

Sections 1.5 talks success metrics application in target Solution and Section 1.6 will brief abut categories about audiences.

1.1 Adobe Target Business Practitioner Guide

This would point you to useful links in this guide, arranged by intended audience based on typical job functions:

1.2 Adobe Target Documentation

Adobe Target helps you to provide customers with the best tailored experiences through testing, optimization, and personalization. This section gives overview of documentation in terms of guides and tutuorials. Checkout the following guides for more details

Learn how to tailor and personalize your customers’ experience to maximize revenue on your web and mobile sites, apps, social media, and other digital channels.

Personalize your customers’ experience to maximize revenue on your web and mobile sites, apps, social media, and other digital channels.

This portal provides implementation resources for Target developers, including API and SDK documentation.

Checkout more tutorial here

1.3 Visitor Profiles

Visitor profiles in Adobe Target contain information about how your visitors use your pages and other optimized content locations. If Target is used with other Adobe Experience Cloud solutions, such as Adobe Analytics, Experience Cloud Audiences shares visitor information across solutions.

By default, Target profile information is stored in a single first-party cookie. The configuration can easily be changed to serve third-party cookies as well.

Study Each section to get more details:

  • Visitor profile lifetime : By default, a visitor profile in Adobe Target expires after 14 days of inactivity for that visitor. This profile lifetime can be extended. Checkout the glossary for more details
  • Profile attributes: Profile attributes in Adobe Target are parameters that are specific to a visitor. These attributes are stored in the visitor’s profile to provide information about the visitor that can be used in your activities. Checkout the Training Video for more information.
  • Category affinity: The category affinity feature in Adobe Target automatically captures the categories on your site that a user visits and then calculates the user’s affinity for each category so it can be targeted and segmented on. Category affinity helps to ensure that content is targeted to visitors who are most likely to act on that information. Checkout the Training Video for more information.
  • Customer attributes: Customer attributes let you upload visitor profile data via FTP to the Adobe Experience Cloud. Once uploaded, use the data in Adobe Analytics and Adobe Target. Target Standard customers can apply five attributes, Target Premium customers can apply 200 attributes.



              Checkout the page to find more about the workflow.

1.4 Adobe Target welcome kit

This welcome kit contains the following chapters. Take overview of each chapter and use keywords to find unanswered questions to develop application understanding.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Adobe Target at a glance

Chapter 3: Develop your testing an personalization ideas

Chapter 4: Tips for using Target

Chapter 5: Inspiration for testing and personalization activities

Chapter 6: Easily avoidable pitfalls

Chapter 7: Create and run your first Target activity

Chapter 8: Communicate your activity results

Chapter 9: Next steps and resources

1.5 Success Metrics

In Adobe Target success metrics are parameters used to measure the success of an activity. Success metrics include key business measures that enable you to determine the success of a given experience or offer in a Target activity. Checkout the page to understand more about success metrics Revenue, page views, custom scoring, Conversion, Time on site. This video shows you how to use activity metrics.

1.6 Categories for audiences

You can target on any of several category attributes using Adobe Target. To create targeting rules (or groups) for each attribute, drag and drop the desired attributes into the Audience Builder pane. Check this page to understand more about it.







Level 2

Hello Sneha,

Nice to see you! Thank you for sharing the documentation for the first module of the Target Professional Exam preparation. This comprehensive overview is very helpful to get us started.


If I have any questions or need further clarification, I'll reach out here.

Thanks again for your support!



Wonderful, thank you @Sneha-Parmar for sharing this first module with your new Aspirant group!! Please carry on with sending the remaining modules to your group here to align with the program timeframe, since we are very close to the end and exams may be right around the corner for your Aspirants! Thank you so much again for stepping in and leading this group with your wealth of Target experience!!  CC @NimashaJain 



50% waiver Application Form











Please fill out the form to request a 50% waiver for the exam - link to form

You've got this


Please note: Form submissions will only be approved if you're part of the Mentorship Program. Form is accepting responses till 10th June. Exam needs to be booked within a month from the end of the program.


Community Advisor

Hi Aspirants, 


Quick question to help prepare you for the exam


A particular search engine marketing campaign is driving users to a landing page URL with tracking codes appended. The tracking codes must be present in the URL for the search team's tracking, which occurs in seperate tool. A Target Business Practitioner created an activity experience that redirects incoming users from that default landing page to a new page. After the activity has been running for 1 week, the search team notes that the tracking codes are NOT included in the URL when users arrive at the new page. What should the Business Practitioner do to fix this?


A) Create a profile script that will store the tracking codes for each user
B) Change the activity to exclude users without tracking code
C) Include the new page in the activity URL targeting
D) check the 'include current query parameters' checkbox on the experience


Level 2

In this case Option D is correct - check the 'include current query parameters' checkbox on the experience

when we checked this box while creating a redirect url experience in adobe target it will append the querystring parameters present in orginal url to the redirected url.