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xml tags inside of a messagbox?


Level 4

i am wondering if its possible to add xml tags inside of a messagebox.

I am asking specifically for accessibility..

Currently our error messages display the section, field error description and how to correct. 


- Contact Details -

Field A is a required field

Please provide a value between 0-31

When we run it thru jaws, it reads exactly whats in the messagebox which is expected.  "Warning javascript window dash validation error dash contact details dash field a is a required field please provide a value between 0 dash 31.

Our sections are given a role of heading 2 and in the xml tab in designer, they have the following tags:

<assist role="H2">

     <speak>Contact Details</speak>


Id like to add the <assist role="H2"> inside the message box to indicate its the section vs. rewriting our message boxes to display and say "Section Contact Details..."

- Contact Details -


Section: Contact Details

Ive tried

xfa.host.messageBox("I am a heading 2 <assist role='H1'/>")

But it just displays

"I am a heading 2 <assist role='H1'/>"

Alternatively is it possible to alter the speech text of a message box?

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