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XML namespace in xml converted pdf


Level 2

Hello everyone

I have a problem when converting pdf's in xml. Everytime when I convert a PDF(either with Acrobat or with mailing the file as XML) in XML the date fields always in middle shows the xml namespace xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" . We are using these xml's to transfer data to an accounting software but the software recognizes the xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" as an error and because of that the data couldn't be uploaded. We created the PDF using a xsd scheme made in the accounting software. Is there a way to get rid of xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" showing in the date fields.

I appreciate every possible help

4 Replies


Level 10


It sounds like you have the nillable="true" attribute in you XSD for the date field.

If you XSD looks like;

<xs:element name="Date1" type="xs:date" nillable="true"/>

Then you will get the following when the field Date1 is bound to is left blank.

<Date1 xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:nil="true"/>

This is the correct behaviour, so I am either not understanding the problem or there is a bug in the accounting software you are using.

Maybe you could try replacing the nullable="true" with a minOccurs="0".  This will mean the element will not appear in the XML at all.




Level 2

Thank you for your reply

We changed the xsd scheme but sadly an another problem has appeared. When I try to load the modified xsd scheme, the LiveCycle Designer shows an error message: "Schema can not be loaded. Make sure that the path is correct and the file is a valid XML Schema file." Can I somehow send the xsd file as an attachment or somehow embed it in a post? The editor on this forum doesn't have an insert file or embed a file option.

Best regards



Level 10

Hi Ivica,

You can upload your xsd file to any file sharing site, acrobat.com, google.doc, etc and then add a link to it in this thread.

Happy to have a look.




Level 2

Thank you but I already found where the problem was. Some rows already had minOccurs="0" and because of that an error message showed up. Your first post gave me the solution that I was searching for and I am very thankful. Today we are going to test the PDF Form.

Best regards
