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XFA PDF to Flatten PDF - AEM Workbench, Adobe livecycle


Level 2

Hi All,

We want to convert AEM generated output PDF to TIFF format. 

The form has XFA scripts like rules/hiding logic added in designer and this form is process from workbench workflow process to generate PDF output using gerneratePDFoutput activity. 

Later using toimage service activity to convert to TIFF. But the converted TIFF is not same as the generated PDF output.

All the XFA based rules/hiding logic from the form are being ignored which convertion/trasformed to TIFF (also tried postscript, PDFA).


Issue - the generated PDF is not completely FLAT causing the convertion issue.

Can anyone help me in creating flat pdf in first place or after creating PDF help to convert to flat PDF ?


Let me know in case you need more info


Thanks much for ua support

@aemforms_forums @adobelivecyclet @LiveCycle @workbench 

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