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Web service not working if more than one is connected to PDF Form.


Level 8

I've been facing a consistent behaviour, where if you connect more than one web service to PDF form, both work fine for some time, after that, one of them will stop working. I could tell that the web service is being called, but it will not return any result. I am using Stefan Pre-Processor Web Service Model, and when I debug, I see that the returned XML of the web service which is only one line.

If I delete both web services (and keep the bindings), and re-create them, they will both work fine. Again, after some time, the problem will come back again. I am not sure why and how.

Any one can help me, I will send the PDF File.


7 Replies


Level 8

I think it is a bug. I was able to find our what happens after the bug hits the form. See this image:



There are 2 web services "DataConnection" and "PeriodsWS". Some how, after a while, working with the form design ...etc, the DataConnection under "datasets" will be duplicated, twice and more. And also, the "PeriodWS" node under "datasets" will be removed.

I was able to fix the above only and only by using the UI by deleting the WSDL (keep data bindings) and recreating it. But, after some time, the problem is coming back.

Here is the correct version of the above XML:

<connectionSet xmlns="http://www.xfa.org/schema/xfa-connection-set/2.8/">
   <wsdlConnection name="DataConnection" dataDescription="DataConnectionGetMonthlyAttendanceReportSoapInDD">
      <operation input="GetMonthlyAttendanceReportRequest" output="GetMonthlyAttendanceReportResponse">GetMonthlyAttendanceReport</operation>
      <?templateDesigner fileDigest shaHash="+hjhIPiza1ThJniucj4UPpFLm6c="?></wsdlConnection>
   <wsdlConnection name="PeriodsWS" dataDescription="PeriodsWSGetAttendancePeriodsDD">
      <operation input="GetAttendancePeriodsRequest" output="GetAttendancePeriodsResponse">GetAttendancePeriods</operation>
      <?templateDesigner fileDigest shaHash="2x7Q1+yaXT8i3DiAZZoXdxbt0SI="?></wsdlConnection>
<xfa:datasets xmlns:xfa="http://www.xfa.org/schema/xfa-data/1.0/">
   <xfa:data xfa:dataNode="dataGroup"/>
   <dd:dataDescription xmlns:dd="http://ns.adobe.com/data-description/" dd:name="DataConnectionGetMonthlyAttendanceReportSoapInDD">
         <soap:Body xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
            <tns:GetMonthlyAttendanceReport xmlns:tns="http://idb.org/SAPeHRMDws">
               <tns:Period dd:minOccur="0" dd:nullType="exclude"/>
               <tns:StaffId dd:minOccur="0" dd:nullType="exclude"/>
               <tns:Year dd:minOccur="0" dd:nullType="exclude"/>
   <dd:dataDescription xmlns:dd="http://ns.adobe.com/data-description/" dd:name="PeriodsWSGetAttendancePeriodsDD">
         <soap:Body xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
            <tns:GetAttendancePeriods xmlns:tns="urn:sap-com:document:sap:soap:functions:mc-style">

How I can report the above bug to Adobe ?



Level 10

Hi Tarek,

If you go here: http://www.adobe.com/aboutadobe/contact.html and in the Feedback tab there is a 'report a bug' link.

Good luck,



Level 8

Thanks Nial,

Adobe support confirmed that this is a bug, and they are preparing SP2 for me (and of course, all others who are affected!).

In the mean time, I want to post an update.

I have noticed that the bug only hit my PC, and the same LC Designer version ES2 on my colleague PC, he is not facing this problem.

The only difference, is that my colleague does not have Acrobat Prof 9 and LC Designer 8.2 (I have them on my PC). May be this is due to multiple version of Adobe LC Designer on the same PC ?

Appreciate your feedback.



Level 10

Hi Tarek,

I am not sure if I can shed much light on this.

While I suspect that while the official line would be not to have multiple versions on one machine, I suspect that it would not make a difference. Mainly because both versions have their associated files in different program folders.

If your colleague does not have Acrobat 9, is he using Reader or an earlier version of Acrobat?

If the form is working in Acrobat and then stops working I wonder if the problem is the interaction between the XFA form and Acrobat/XFA processor the problem - somehow altering the underlying XML template.

The solution may be in LC Designer ES2.5, but the problem may be surfacing in Acrobat.

As I say not my area really. I hope you get it working soon,



Level 8

Thanks Niall,

The problem, to me, it occurs after I open the form in LC Desinger and start making changes.

I removed LC Desinger 8.x but the problem is still there.

If the last thing I do is to delete the WSDL Connection and recreat them back, save the form and close LC Desinger, then it will work fine in Acrobat.

I have reported this to Support, and they promissed me SP2 soon.



Level 1

I am downloading LC Desinger 9 SP2 now .



Level 8

I have installed SP2 and so far, things are OK. The problem of Multiple WSDL Connection (Web Service) from same LiveCycle PDF Form has been fixed.

Here is the link:


However, I am facing new crashes sometimes when I preview the form, but not much.

I am now in a much better situation.

Thanks a Lot to the great support and quick response from Adobe.
