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Watched Folder doesnt write input file to preserve or result folder


Level 4

I have deployed a workflow as a Watched folder via the Admin UI.  The Watched folder works properly in that it picks up the file and calls the workflow and gets a response.  However, the input file doesn't get placed into the preserve or result folder afterwards.  Am I missing a parameter from admin UI setup OR do i need to do something with the workflow?

The workflow takes a pdf and extracts the xml, massages the xml via xslt and calls a web service.  The Output param of the workflow is wsStatus (type=string).  When I look at a replay instance in Workbench, all steps are green and the wsStatus field is populated with a soap response mesg.

I can only get the input file get dumped into the failure directory if the web service call in the workflow times out.

I've attached a jpg of the settings i've set.

2 Replies


Level 10

In the first screen shot, the wsStatus setting is empty.

You  need to tell it where to write the content of wsStatus. Just put something status.txt.



Level 4

Turns out that the wsStatus parameter had to be one of the following doc types (com.adobe.idp.Document, org.w3c.dom.Document and org.w3c.dom.Node) and not a string.

Now the input pdf gets written into the Preserve folder and the wsStatus gets written to the Result folder.