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Using xfa.resolveNode with tables


Level 2

I use xfa.resolveNode when working with fields in a subform.  I am trying to do the same with a subform in a row in a table, but am getting a null error.  Can I use xfa.resolveNode to refer to a field in a table e.g. xfa.resolveNode("subform.field")?

Thanks for any assistance with this.

3 Replies


Level 2

How does one reference a field in a subform within a table row using xfa.resolveNode?

e.g. see below - a two row, three column table////a field located in a subform in row two, column one:   xfa.resolveNode ("subform.field")?

               Column1     Column2     Column 3

Row 1:

Row 2:    subform(field)


Level 10


Level 2

These tutorials gave me the knowledge to get an answer to my question, and finish my project.  Thank you.