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using radio buttons to have people self mark an assignment


Level 1

I am using livecycle to create an assignment sheet for my students. The sheet contains radio buttons assigned to values 1, 2, 3, and 4 for 6 different items. This means that student can get a total of 24 marks. My difficulty is that I cannot create the radio buttons to have the assigned values and I cannot also create the textfield where the total value is dynamically generated.  I really need some help with this one. The reason I am not using acrobat pro for this (as I can do it easily there) is that I am having students place jpeg images directly into the pdf. This function is a necessity.  Any help on this would be appreciated.

1 Reply


Level 6

RButtonGroup1.rawValue gives the value of the raid button. This should help you determine the value selected in each radio button group.

For the total calculation I would use sample code like following....this is JS code in "Calculate" event of the total field.

var tot = 0;

if (RButtonGroup1.rawValue != "") tot = tot+RButtonGroup1.rawValue;

if (RButtonGroup2.rawValue != "") tot = tot+RButtonGroup2.rawValue;

if (RButtonGroup3.rawValue != "") tot = tot+RButtonGroup3.rawValue;




this.rawValue = tot; //you will have total assigned to this field

if you still have difficulty please attach a sample in your response.