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Using checkboxes to auto-populate forms


Level 1

I'm creating forms for use in a clinical office which has multiple addresses and multiple practitioners. For several of these forms, the address of the office needs to be present in several locations. I have set up my forms so that at the top of each form is a series of checkboxes containing the addresses of our various offices. I cannot figure out if there is a way to make it so that once an address is checked at the top of the form, other text fields in the form will be auto-populated with that address information, rather than having to type out the address separately.

The purpose of creating the forms is to save time and the more a form can work for us the better. I am working on a computer with Acrobat 8 LiveCycle Designer and I am not particularly skilled with JavaScript, so I would need pretty specific answers on this one. Is there a way to link the checkboxes to the text fields so that when someone checks an address, that information will automatically show up in the proper places on the form?

5 Replies


Level 6

Are you using Acrobat to create the form, or LiveCycle Designer? They each create PDF forms, but they are quite different.


Level 6

OK, I'll move this to the LiveCycle Designer forum. This one is for forms created with Acrobat.


Level 7

there are several ways of doing this, but I just wanted to clarify - you say you are using checkboxes rather than radio buttons, so does that mean more than one can be checked and so multiple addresses are used?

If not and only one can be selected you should change to radio buttons and then put in the exit event of the radio button group, in formcalc:

if ($ == 1) then

textbox1 = "address 1......"

textbox2 = "address 1......"

elseif ($ == 2) then

textbox1 = "address 2......"

textbox2 = "address 2......"



Level 1

Alright! That was what I needed, thank you very much!