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Unable to deploy application


Former Community Member

Hi all,

I am developing an application on ADOBE Livecycle ES2.(Like Inventory Ordering Application)

After developing many forms and processes, Suddenly, We are facing issues like, Unable to deploy the applications for the past one week. We have tried many solutions like Creating the new versions for the app, Seperating the application into small applications (One for each form).. But nothing gave like a permanent solution..

We feel like server was more unstable and so we tried restarting the server.But it  give like a show that works fine only for sometime and later on again the same problem persists.

We got frustrated with how to resolve it.

Application LCA file size:25MB

We have tried deploying/Undeploying the application  in ADMIN UI, Thro' Workbench.. but nothing works.

We have traced Server logs and we got like error as follows:

2012-07-26 09:17:57,102 ERROR [com.adobe.idp.applicationmanager.application.tlo.impl.OrchestrationTLOHandler] create:Registry exception in orchestration handler Servce: Test-GIW/Processes/uploading_image_info already exists
2012-07-26 09:17:57,191 ERROR [com.adobe.idp.applicationmanager.application.impl.ApplicationRegistryImpl]
ApplicationServiceStoreImpl:create:POFException:Internal eror.
2012-07-26 09:17:57,191 ERROR [com.adobe.idp.applicationmanager.service.ApplicationManagerService] ApplicationManagerService:importApplication():DSCException:Interna error.
2012-07-26 09:17:57,465 WARN [com.adobe.livecycle.design.service.DesigntimeServiceImpl] Error Acting against Cache for unlocking Deploy Lock: Attempting to unlock DLockService@497b4c74 named /root/Global_DeployLockMonitorCache destroyed=false grantorId=[LockGrantorId: lockGrantorMember=ip-10-80-79-201(31810:loner):1:befb175e:GmfireCacheAdapter, lockGrantorVersion=1, lockGrantorSerialNumber=3] grantor=<DLockGrantor@6de033e6 state=READY name=/root/Global_DeployLockMonitorCache version=1>> LockEntryKey , but this thread does not own the lock. DLockToken@1a6f7965, name:

And now, When we try check out any forms/Process

, We got like "You have lost the lock on the form/process. So the changes made by you will not be reflected in server".

Could anybody (who have already faced the issue or having an KT about the issue).. please help us!!

5 Replies


Former Community Member


I am experiencing this same issue today.  Can you share how you fix the problem?

I have a process that is working fine in Dev and when I promote the process to Test (drag and drop to Workbench then check-in) then deploy it does not get deployed and I got this Warning message:

2013-04-02 12:10:45,085 WARN  [com.adobe.livecycle.design.service.DesigntimeServiceImpl] Error Acting against Cache for unlocking Deploy Lock: This thread's lease expired for this lock




Former Community Member

Hello, I have this same problem.

2013-08-08 09:53:23,425 ERROR [com.adobe.idp.applicationmanager.application.tlo.impl.OrchestrationTLOHandler] create:Registry exception in orchestration handler Service: GAF_DocumentosTributarios/Procesos/SubProcesos/Comentarios already exists

2013-08-08 09:53:23,427 ERROR [com.adobe.idp.applicationmanager.application.impl.ApplicationRegistryImpl] ApplicationServiceStoreImpl:create:POFException:Internal error.

2013-08-08 09:53:23,427 ERROR [com.adobe.idp.applicationmanager.service.ApplicationManagerService] ApplicationManagerService:importApplication():DSCException:Internal error.

I can not make up version or deploy this.


Former Community Member

We finally got a work around with this issue.

We broke down the big application to multiple mini applications. We grouped all the files that does not need to be deployed, like .xdp, .pdf, .xml etc. in one application. Then another application for the processes, try to limit to 10 processes per application. Be very careful in creating your process too, don't make it to big. It is better to have multiple process than one big process.

I hope this will help you.

Sent from my iPad


Former Community Member

One of the best practices in one of the deployment documents is to ensure that your Applications don't have more than 50 assets within them. More than that and they should be broken down into smaller applications with an SOA infrastructure in mind. I've had customers who've increased this amount for their own use slightly but always with the goal of keeping close to the 50 range.