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Unable to add watermark


Level 1

Have the LiveCycle ES2 software and a previously created PDF to which I am attempting to add a watermark. The form is being stored as a static PDF form and it's form detail is being filled by a java application using iText libraries.

Attempted using the Acrobat Pro tools>pages>watermark options and receive a message stating, "You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this task."

LiveCycle help states that watermarks should be placed within the content area of the master page. However, it seems that anything in the master page is displayed over the form/rest of the document.

Created a .jpg image and added an image object containing the graphic. The graphic is displayed over the detail of the completed form. Also tried using an ImageField object as well with the same result.

Read a post that directed adding a TextField object with the desired text, color, etc and altering the rotation with javascript.  Still had the same problem with the text displaying over the form data and the javascript didn' function as expected. The object rotation is initially 90*.  Attempted to set it to 45* (not certain if that was a valid angle) and 270* (which is valid). Neither attempt worked.

Would expect that a defined 'watermark' would be displayed under any other content of the page(s) and surprised that it is this difficult to accomplish. Seems I am missing something.

Assistance would be greatly appriciated.

1 Reply


Level 3

If the PDF is valid, you can apply watermark with the help of Rights Management Service. You need to do following steps:

- Login into LC adminui with admin user.

- Create a watermark (http://help.adobe.com/en_US/livecycle/9.0/adminHelp/admin.htm?content=000246.html)

- Include the watermark as a part of a policy in Rights Management.

- Use the policy to apply the watermark on a PDF.

Hope this helps.

~ Varun