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Trouble with Export jamming when trying to export from LiveCycle Response Folder to Excel


Level 3

I'm having trouble exporting my files that are in my Adobe LiveCycle response folder into Excel.  It jams up and won't ever complete the export process. I have tried exporting the files individually.  It seems that the ones that won't export are the ones that have a "yes" under "Has Different Fields".  The completed forms that  fall in this category are the ones with longer responses.  It is a dynamic form and it seems that when something gets pushed down to the next page by a longer response that has been inserted, it sees it as being a different field.  Can anyone help?  Thanks!! 

2 Replies


Level 3

Anyone have any insight?  SOme of my files will export and some won't.  I'm unable to find what is causing some to not export.


Level 3

Just checking to see if anyone could provide some feedback.  I stil lcan't figure out why some of returned forms will export to Excel and some seem to jam it up.  At first I thought it was the ones where it said the fields were different, but I had one with that and it worked.