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Sort Table Data with Text Fields (Form)


Level 2

I have googled and searched the forms for days for an answer, but have been unsucessful.

Since the only thread I found is a year old, I wanted to start a new one instead of bumping the old one

Ref : http://forums.adobe.com/message/3000436

I am looking for a script to sort the data in a form based on user input.

The form is just a table with multiple rows and 3-5 colums (depending on the dept it is used by)

Using the above referenced thread, I was able to get static table to sort, but i need to have all fields be text fields and the users inputs the data.

The example from the other thread of the static:


I will use the same layout, just need it to be a form instead of static.

If anyone can help, or point me in the right direction, that would be great.

Update #1:

I did locate this page:http://cookbooks.adobe.com/post_Sorting_tables_in_dynamic_PDF-18993.html

I got the sort to work and it appears to be mostly what I am looking for, but how do i deal with blank field??

Example, the last three rows are blank ( no data) the sort fails.

Here is the code from the page, how can i modify it to correct for the blank fields?


var col = 0; // column index

var num = false; // Is numeric column

var OrderAsc = true; // Order of sorting

function SortTable(tableRef,colIndex,isNumeric,Asc)




col = colIndex;

num = isNumeric;

OrderAsc = Asc;

// String variable containing the form data as XML String

var data =  tableRef.saveXML('pretty');

// An XML variable contains the deserialized XML data

var xmlData = xfa.datasets.createNode("dataGroup",tableRef.name);


// Number of table rows

var rowsCount = xmlData.nodes.length;

//Number of columns in the table

var cols = xmlData.nodes.item(1).nodes.length;

// A two dimensional array contains complete table data

var master = new Array();

// Fill the array with XML data

for(var i=1;i<rowsCount;i++)


master[i-1] = new Array();

for(var j=0;j<cols;j++)


master[i-1][j] = xmlData.nodes.item(i).nodes.item(j).value;



//Sort the 2D array


// Re-fill the XML variable with Array data

for(var i=0;i<master.length;i++)


for(var j=0;j<master[i].length;j++)


xmlData.nodes.item(i+1).nodes.item(j).value = master[i][j];



// Modify the table data and remerge the form

var result = xmlData.saveXML('pretty');








// Customize the sort function to handle 2D array and Numeric columns

function sortFunc(a,b)


var x = a[col];

var y = b[col];





x = parseInt(a[col]);

y = parseInt(b[col]);





return x==y?0: (x < y ? -1 :1)




return x==y?0: (x < y ? 1 :-1)



1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 2
6 Replies


Level 2


Right now, i can give you an approach rather than providng you a techincal solution to the problem.

There are different ways of running java scripts on the forms.

1.Writing a utility in the form and calling those functions where ever and when ever in need.

2.javascript running behing each form /feild element.

3.a Javascript file, located in windows - programfile - adobe- reader8.0 - javascripts - "" .JS "" file

Regarding your problem,

We can only sort ponly after all the 3 columns are filled for each row.

If no row exits then no function to be called.

if row count>1 then

do bubble sort on the both the rows, putting them in an array. ( Dynamic array)

the array need to be sorted with the "column" selected.

then ,

refill the form elements.


Level 2

I am still looking for a solution to this issue.

I have exhaused all my resources to get this working.

Can anyone help me with a script?


Level 2

I am suprized no one has a solution to this issue or it has never come up before now.


Correct answer by
Level 2

Solution Found!


Level 5

Would it be possible for you to post the solution you found?



Level 2

The fix was to modify the code from:

master[i-1][j] = xmlData.nodes.item(i).nodes.item(j).value; 

the new lines is

master[i-1][j] = (xmlData.nodes.item(i).nodes.item(j).value == null) ? "" : xmlData.nodes.item(i).nodes.item(j).value;

This allows for null (empty) fields, allowing the sort to work correctly

------ Full Code Below -------

var col = 0;                              // column index

var num = false;                    // Is numeric column

var OrderAsc = true;          // Order of sorting

function SortTable(tableRef,colIndex,isNumeric,Asc)





                    col = colIndex;

                    num = isNumeric;

                    OrderAsc = Asc;


                    // String variable containing the form data as XML String

                    var data =  tableRef.saveXML('pretty');


                    // An XML variable contains the deserialized XML data

                    var xmlData = xfa.datasets.createNode("dataGroup",tableRef.name);



                    // Number of table rows

                    var rowsCount = xmlData.nodes.length;


                    //Number of columns in the table

                    var cols = xmlData.nodes.item(1).nodes.length;


                    // A two dimensional array contains complete table data

                    var master = new Array();


                    // Fill the array with XML data

                    for(var i=1;i<rowsCount;i++)


                              master[i-1] = new Array();

                              for(var j=0;j<cols;j++)


                                        master[i-1][j] = (xmlData.nodes.item(i).nodes.item(j).value == null) ? "" : xmlData.nodes.item(i).nodes.item(j).value;




                    //Sort the 2D array



                    // Re-fill the XML variable with Array data

                    for(var i=0;i<master.length;i++)


                              for(var j=0;j<master[i].length;j++)


                                        xmlData.nodes.item(i+1).nodes.item(j).value = master[i][j];




                    // Modify the table data and remerge the form

                    var result = xmlData.saveXML('pretty');









// Customize the sort function to handle 2D array and Numeric columns

function sortFunc(a,b)


          var x = a[col];

          var y = b[col];






                    x = parseInt(a[col]);

                    y = parseInt(b[col]);





                    return x==y?0: (x < y ? -1 :1)




                    return x==y?0: (x < y ? 1 :-1)

