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SOAP Web Services


Level 1
Ok, here's a question that's been troubling me for a while.
Is there any way to pass a user's login information when trying to
access a SOAP web service. I've been trying to figure this out in
Flex as well as Coldfusion. I basically have web services that are
sitting in a protected directory that requires an user to be logged
in before providing it's functionality. I was just wondering if
there's any way to accomplish this in Flex.
1 Reply


Level 3
If you're not using the FDS proxy service, then you'll have
to get users to first log in using HTTP Basic Authentication where
by the browser pops up a dialog and requests a username and
password independently from the Flash Player. Then, with a session
in place (typically tracked by cookies), the flash player can make
connections to secure web sevices.

If you are using the FDS proxy, you can call
setRemoteCredentials on the WebService instance to provide
credentials that the FDS Proxy Service can use to pre-authenticate
the user before sending on your web service request. Note that you
can also use the same set of credentials for all users by hard
coding in remote credentials for the Proxy Service