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Show/Hide subform using buttons


Level 2


I am new to the "LiveCycle Designer". I want to create a form which has 4 Sections "Experience", "Skills", "Education Details", "Personal Details". Based on the below screenshot the sections are formatted and the main sections are created as subform ("ExpForm", "SkillsForm", "EDForm" and PDForm").


Each sections has 5 bullet points and that I created as separate subform ("ExpSubForm", "SkillsSubForm", "EDSubForm" and "PDSubForm") and these subforms are hidden. So. when we click the experience section "Plus" button the hidden subform should be "visible" and the skills should automatically goes down likewise I need to do for all the four main sections and the user click the "Minus" button the visible bulleted subform should be "hidden" and skills should automatically goes up.

Kindly do the needful.

Thanks in advance.

8 Replies


Level 2

Kindly can anyone reply on this question??


Level 2

Can you post your form? I've done similar things before and I think I have a solution. I just want to be sure I'm understanding the situation.


Level 2

I am not able to upload my form in this website.


Level 2

Are the subform static or you create using the table repeat option so you can create the subform once then have 5 copies?

Are the button on the same hierarchy level as the hidden subform?

If so something like (this.parent.subformname.presence = "visible") should do the trick.

or you can use whole subformname.

your probably gonna need to do "xfa.layout.relayout()" as well so that the form layout is refresh.


Level 2

It's a dynamic form see the below screenshot for reference.

when the form opened it will be like the below screenshot.


The below screenshot shows, How the output should come?


"Bulleted" texts are sub-forms and that are hidden, when user clicks the plus button of "experience" section below bulleted text should be visible and "Application Skills" box should go down.

And I already tried the (this.parent.subformname.presence = "visible") code and it is not working.


Level 7

Send the form to my email address and I will look at it mousland@gmail.com


Level 2

was it giving you an error when you look at the javascript debugger.

have you refresh the form using xfa.layout.relayout, although i don't think its necessary
can you upload a picture of the hierarchyscreen?


Level 7

It has been explained already, but this is what i have done previously. I have two subforms, core and support. Support is a subform within Core.

On the core subform i have a button to hide and one to show the support subform. In the click event i simply had Support.presence = "hidden; and Support.prescence = "visible"; and it worked for me.

Image showing structure


Clicking the highlighted buttons within the Core subform hide and show the Support subform.