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Scripts not running after adding subform


Level 1

It appears that some update has changed the functionality of the scripts so that if I add an instance to a flowed subform it will hold off on the actual add until all the scripts have run, so that if I want to say set the focus on the newly created subform it fails because the instance doesn't exist yet.  Seams not to care where the code is put the add instance is performed last.

Is there some way to trigger running some script after the form has re-rendered itself, so that I can perform other tasks on the newly added subform?


1 Reply


Level 10


Seems odd, not sure what is going on without seeing the script or form. There is a post here that discusses events and when they fire: http://assure.ly/gW3RNr. Have a look at the PDF form.

If you have a look at the script in this example (in particular Table 5 and Table 6), you will see that I am accessing the new instance straight away after creating it: http://assure.ly/gk8Q7a.

Good luck,
