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Running LiveCycle sample applications


Former Community Member

I have a new LiveCycle installation on Ubuntu (8.04) following "Preparing to Install LiveCycle ES (Single Server)" and "Installing and Deploying LiveCycle ES for jBoss" with sample applications and mysql as database.

I'm starting jBoss with "./run.sh -c all -b" and I can access the admin interface from "", but i cannot access samples on "" . The server is not listening on port 8400 on any interface.

How can I access the samples?

3 Replies


Level 7

If you are able to access the admin interface from , then you should access samples on



I think there is a little confusion here.

You mention installing LiveCycle ES on Unbuntu.

My first question is: Do you really mean LiveCycle ES (Enterprise Suite) or LiveCycle DS (Data Services)?

I am assuming you mean LiveCycle ES since you mention that you can access http://localhost:8080/adminui. In this case, I would like to forwarn you that Ubuntu is not a supported environment for LiveCycle ES. We support Suse Enterprise Linux or RedHat Advanced Server for Linux flavours. Having said that, I would like to clarify that the sample applications that come with LiveCycle ES are accessed from the following URLs:

http://localhost:8080/workspace (Process Management Web UI)

http://localhost:8080/FormsIVS (LiveCycle Forms Installation Verification Sample)

http://localhost:8080/ReaderExtensions (LiveCycle Reader Extensions Web UI)

http://localhost:8080/contentspace (LiveCycle Content Services web ui)

http://localhost:8080/edc (LiveCycle Rights Management Web UI)

The sample URL that you are referring to (lcds-samples) is not provided with LiveCycle ES since it is part of the LiveCycle DS (Data Services) installation.


Level 6


If I'm not wrong you mean process samples which could be instaleld with LiveCycle. You can check them if will run Workbench and see processes tab. Also you can activate them and configure in adminui.


Paul Butenko