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Rights Management - Multiple policies on SharePoint 2010.


Level 5

Hello folks,

Is that possible to have multiple LC policies at Sharepoint?

On the Sharepoint side I go to the Site Configuration and define there the policy that I want to use. What I'd like to know is if it's possible to define multiple policies, so the user can choose which policy he/she wants to apply.


4 Replies


Former Community Member

No, this is currently not possible. You will have to update the names of Policy and PolicySet in the site settings if you want to apply a different policy.


Level 5


Any other suggestion?

Is possible to design a process to apply the policy and then invoke this process via sharepoint?


Level 8

Yes you can create a custom process to apply a policy.  You would have to extend Sharepoint to list available policies to allow the user to select or if they know the policy pass it as a parameter.