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Restricted Numeric Field displaying dates and text ?


Level 1

Using ALD ES 8.2, I created a few numeric fields that should only accept numbers. I created a horizontal row of five boxes, for users to enter data (up to  3 digits in any box). The resulting behavior during data entry and editing is strange.

If I enter a number, such as 23 in the first box, and then move to the next field, any number I type immediatly displays a list of choices, sometimes dates, sometimes a drop list of numbers 01-09, etc. The third box doesn't behave this way, but the 4th one does as the 2nd, etc.

If I decide to go back into any field with data and edit the number, a similar drop down list of possible choices pops up, sometimes with dates, or comma separated or decimal, based on the first character I type. I have tried resticting the data pattern to z9, zzz9, 999, z, and while I can see the displayed patterns, the editing problem still exists, making it impossible to edit the field once data is entered, because the drop-down covers the field until a choice is made.

I am sure there is a way to simply keep the entry to no more than three digits, without any drop-down lists appearing upon edits.

I would appreciate any comments or help on this


4 Replies


Former Community Member

Can you send me that form? I am really curious as to what may be causing that. Please send the form to stwalker.adobe@gmail.com.

You could make the field a text field and use a regular expression. The following script assumes the text field is a required field, also.

// form1.page1.subform1.tf::exit - (JavaScript, client)

if (this.isNull) {

  xfa.host.messageBox("The tf is a required field.");


else {

  var regExp = /^\d{3}$/;

  var tf = this.rawValue;

  if (!(regExp.test(tf))) {

    xfa.host.messageBox("The tf must be 3 digits.");





Level 1

Hi Steve,

Thank you for you reply. I solved it by creating a drop down list box with the numbers 1-99 (for now).  However, because you cannot recreate this or seem to be confused by the issue I am having, it makes me think that when I preview the form as a PDF, the behavior is odd.

If you create two or three numeric fields, place them side-to-side, then preview the PDF, fill in the first field with any number (say 31), then if you try to enter a number in the next field (say 33 or something), check to see if a drop down list of choices appears, each beginning with a 3. Or, if it take sthe number, go back to the first field, hightlight the number and try to type a 2, for example and see if a date (like 22-Jun) appears on a list.

I am wondering if the memory cache of once entered content in other Adobe forms are being automatically displayed for some reason.

This might indicate some preferences I have set in Adobe Acrobat 8 that allow automatic fill-in from pre-entered responses.

Does any of this make sense?

One final request. On my drop down list box of numbers from 1-99, is there a simple code I enter into the XML code that creates a list from 1-999? Right now, the XML code for the field shows 99 separate lines that say <text>1</text>, then <text)2</text>, etc. Just thinking there is a slightly easier way to make the drop down list scrollable to 999.




Former Community Member


I would have to see the form to make any sense of the behaviour you are describing.

Sorry. No free lunch on the drop-down list values. I prefer not to use drop-down lists for selection sets larger than 9 items because the user experience is not good. The best you can do for the drop-down items is create the <text> elements in a text editor and copy-and-paste into the raw XML of the drop-down.



Level 1

Hi Steve,

I understand the list box one-at-a-time work fr each item. No problem.

I sent you the form to your e-mail as you requested.

