Expand my Community achievements bar.

Response needed after user chooses YES from YES/NO options.


Level 1

I have Life Cycle Designer 7.0. sorry I don't know if that matters, I am not real familiar with the different versions.  In fact I don't even know if the current versions are stand alone applications or not (as opposed to being 'built in' to the Acrobat Professional app...like 7.0 is...)

Here is what I want to do:

On the form the user is prompted to choose YES or NO. If they check YES, they need to provide a response.

I want the user to be reminded to provide a response after they have chosen YES if they decide to skip the response part.

Is it better to use radio buttons or check boxes to achieve this?  Do I need to write (copy/paste) a script or can I create this by options on the object dialogue boxes? How would I achieve this?


1 Reply


Level 10

Try the following code by placing it in the Click event of a button..Then modify according to your form..

if(xfa.host.messageBox("Choose either Yes/ No. For Yes, provide a response", "Question", 2,2) == 4){
var strResponse = xfa.host.response("Please provide a response text", "Response Title");

xfa.host.messageBox("" + strResponse);

